Tag Archive | Sunday

Happy Sunday ~


Happy Sunday everyone!

I’m just glad that the rain quit here for a while.  Lots of great posts coming up today.  I know I’ve featured this particular Beatles video here several times, but still gives me goosebumps.  It just seems to foreshadow the music and videos I grew up with in the mid-1990s, mainstream “alternative” rock ~ i.e. Oasis, Green Day, the White Stripes, and many more.


Happy Sunday ~

I hope you enjoy one of my favorite Beach Boy’s songs.  I also included one of my favorite “Pure Michigan” videos.  Despite the rainy, cool weather, it makes me want to jump in the lake!

Just Another Lazy Sunday – Peggy Sue (Buddy Holly)/American Pie (Don McLean)

Just a lazy Sunday afternoon.  I’m hoping to finally get caught up with the A to Z blogging challenge.  There is just so much to say – Beatles or otherwise – and so little time.

Yet Another Sunday

I won’t be around until this evening.  I’m hoping to then finally get caught up on the April 2012 A to Z Blogging Challenge.  The posts centered around the Beatles themselves, along with those who were closest to them, are the most difficult to write and put together.  There is just so much to say.

I ended up getting sucked into watching the Wingspan documentary on YouTube last night, all 1 hour, 45 minutes of it.  I left with a much greater appreciation of what Paul and Linda McCartney did with Wings, and I was already a fan.  More on that later.  Happy Sunday everyone.  I’ll leave you with one of the most beautiful voices ever in pop music.

Crazy Lazy Sundays

I’ve long had a love/hate relationship with Sundays.  Mine are normally laid back and spent with family and friends.  Unfortunately, by Sunday evening, I realize just how short weekends truly are.  Most of my family lives 30 miles north of Bay City.  A typical Sunday spent north means lunch with one Grandma and then an extended visit with the other.  If I’m lucky my parents are actually home and I make the effort to try and see them as well.  As I work full-time, Saturday is usually my only fully day exclusively to myself – if I decide to go visit family on Sundays.

The sad thing is that it never fails:  Every Sunday it is the same dilemma, do I go visit family or not?  Once I go, I never regret it.  Let’s be realistic, I won’t have my grandmothers forever.  I love spending time with both of them and truly enjoy their company.  I also know that they appreciate the time I spend with them.

Here’s the problem.  When I don’t go, I get an additional day to do exactly what I want to do.  All is well until later in the day when the guilt sets in.  I know I shouldn’t, but I do feel guilty if I don’t visit every weekend.  I know just how much my grandmothers appreciate it.  While my parents, who live nearby, try to visit often too, they are frequently out of town.  Most of my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. either live quite a distance away or simply don’t visit very often.  I am grateful for the relationships I have with my grandmothers, I just wish there was an easier answer.

Copyright 2008-2012 Mark Blehm