Tag Archive | Space Shuttle Columbia

January 28, 1986

This Day in History — History.com — What Happened Today in History

It is hard to believe the Challenger disaster took place 26 years ago today.  I may have been only five years-old, but I vividly remember that day.  As the child of a teacher, even at the age of five, it fascinated me that a teacher would be in space, Christa McAuliffe.  I can only imagine what her students went through as they watched the launch, not to mention all of the students watching across the country.  I don’t remember my Mom’s exact reaction when she came home from teaching 4th grade that day, but I can’t imagine it was good.

It started out innocently enough.  That Tuesday I was at home with my neighbor and babysitter Joyce.  Her older daughter Carla was there with us as well, perhaps home from nursing school.  I distinctly remember watching our old console Zenith only to watch in horror as the tragedy unfolded.  I just remember that something was terribly wrong.  It was not a moment easily forgotten.  Before I could even process what happened as only a five year-old can, I watched as President Reagan gave a moving speech addressing the tragedy.

Christa McAuliffe and all of the astronauts that perished that horrible January morning didn’t die in vain.  Despite the fate of the space program as of late, they will never be forgotten.  As long as there are pioneers and risk-takers in the world, their memory, along with that of the Columbia crew, will live on.

The crew of Space Shuttle mission STS-51-L pos...

Image via Wikipedia