Tag Archive | Music video

Gun ‘N’ Roses ~ Just Because


Ok.  For some reason “Sweet Child O’ Mine” has been in my head lately.  It would actually make a perfect theme song for this blog.  Of course, as soon as I start stalking YouTube to listen in and maybe even find the original music video, so many other great Guns ‘N’ Roses songs came up.  “November Rain” and “Welcome to the Jungle” in particular, both of which will always remind me some of the best times in college.


Happy Sunday ~


Happy Sunday everyone!

I’m just glad that the rain quit here for a while.  Lots of great posts coming up today.  I know I’ve featured this particular Beatles video here several times, but still gives me goosebumps.  It just seems to foreshadow the music and videos I grew up with in the mid-1990s, mainstream “alternative” rock ~ i.e. Oasis, Green Day, the White Stripes, and many more.


Flashback to 1999 ….

For some reason I’ve felt compelled to put up a few songs that would’ve made great class songs for my high school class of 1999.  Writing about D. brought these to mind.  Who knew that 13 years would seem like eternity?  It seems as though absolutely everything has changed, and not for the better.

H is for A Hard Day’s Night/Help!

A Hard Day's Night poster

A Hard Day's Night poster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I don’t know how anyone could even begin to discuss the Beatles without discussing the movies A Hard Day’s Night (1964) and Help! (1965).  In my opinion those movies and albums are what really began to set them apart from everyone else.  Prior to A Hard Day’s Night (1964), my personal favorite, pop and rock bands did not make movies or videos.  It paved the way for The Monkees TV show and so much more.  The movies hold up even today and are just a whole lot of fun.  A Hard Day’s Night (1964) in particular, meant to offer a true look into a day in the life of the band.  Can you imagine a world without music videos?

I Want My MTV Back … 30 Years Later

An early MTV station ID

Image via Wikipedia

Then/Now: MTV’s Original ‘Fab Five’ VJs – FoxNews.com

Happy 30th MTV!  It is time to return to your roots…  It is hard to believe that the original VJs are literally the same age as my Mom!  I may not be old enough to remember the original broadcasts, but I do remember when MTV actually played music videos.


Bloggers You Need to Read

Plaza Mayor, Salamanca (Spain) HDR 2 – Deghost...

Silly Mom Thoughts

Lindsay Maddox’s Silly Mom Thoughts is a very unique look at a young family with four kids five and under.  Just wait until you see videos of one year-old twins Wy and Z!  The entire family is too cute.  What really sets Lindsay apart is her humor.  I can’t imagine having to answer questions when her kids read her blog as teenagers!

Lindsay is working hard on her professional writing career.  I wish her the best of luck!  She certainly has her hands full, and I have no idea how she manages to find time to write.  She’s one determined chick.

Rissa Writes

I have no idea why I didn’t discover Rissa’s blog earlier.  I love reading her Facebook updates, so imagine how I felt when I finally got around to reading her blog.  One of my favorite posts is here.  It really got to me.  I don’t know many people who can include music videos from David Bowie and the movie “Hello, Dolly!” (Barbara Streisand as Dolly) in virtually back to back posts (not to mention pertaining to nearly the same topic).  I admire her for her depth and her honesty.  Oh yeah; she makes me laugh too!

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.  By the way, the picture is complete randomness.  It is a picture of the Plaza Mayor in Salamanca, Spain.  I love Spain; I miss Spain.  The photo simply brought back wonderful memories of a wonderful time in my life.  Oh, and it is my blog…  Things don’t always have to make perfect sense.