Tag Archive | London

The Rolling Stones 50 Years On

This past Thursday marked the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones first gig.  There is even talk of a tour.  Pretty sad when there is still no competing with 60s pop/rock.

The photo, of course, is from the infamous Rolling Stones Press Reception in New York 1966.  It was that event that launched Linda McCartney’s career in rock photography.  I can only imagine what it was like to have a front-row seat to rock history.

A is for Abbey Road/And In The End

Cover of "Abbey Road (Remastered)"

Cover of Abbey Road (Remastered)Apr

Abbey Road – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abbey Road – Crossing Webcam

“Abbey Road” is the 11th studio album released by The Beatles and the last recorded.  While “Let It Be” was released after “Abbey Road,” it was recorded at an earlier date.  The name comes from the famous Abbey Road Studios in London, where most of the Beatles’ albums were recorded.  The album cover, shot by photographer Linda Eastman McCartney, is one of the most iconic and imitated album covers ever produced.  Today the crossing is almost a tourist attraction.  Above is a live to a live webcam of the crossing.  Crazy, right?  In the interview below Paul McCartney talks about recording at Abbey Road.  “And in the End,” of course, is the very last track/medley on “Abbey Road.”

Cover Story Excerpt: Paul McCartney | Music News | Rolling Stone

News, Updates, and More

Amy Winehouse at Bowery Ballroom 18

Image via Wikipedia

There are many exciting things taking place behind the scenes, as usual.  Before I get into those, I want to very briefly address two news items that dominated yesterday.

Terrorism in Norway

It is hard for me to even get my head around this tragedy.  There appears to be much more to the story.  I’m not going to cover it extensively here.  The Anchoress has a wonderful round-up of the situation here.  Again, I get the feeling that there is so much we aren’t being told.  I’m not the only one.

Death of Amy Winehouse

I wish I could say that I was surprised at this news.  I wasn’t.  It was building for quite some time.  I see her death as completely avoidable.  I’m so tired of people dying of drug overdoses, famous or otherwise.  I will be discussing this more in-depth in a separate post.

Ok, now for the news here.  I’m now going to be contributing to BlogCritics, which is associated with Technorati.  I’m also looking forward to possibly contributing to Technorati itself.  Stay tuned!  Anything I post at those sites will at least be shared here.  I may even repost some items.  I’m anxious to see how this will play out.  I want to see how my experience at BlogCritics rates before I try becoming a contributor to Technorati.

Also, Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde will hopefully have a new contributor in the near future, my friend Cheryl Hedlund.  We are currently working on the details.  She has many new projects in the works as well.  I have her to thank for my invitation to Google+!

You may also notice some cosmetic changes to the blog that have already taken place.  I finally got around to adding some links to some great blogs and websites.  Please do check them out.  Most of them are well-established and several I’ve followed for years.  You will find everything from writing advice to art to politics.  Enjoy and stay tuned!