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The Story Of Us

America The Story of Us — History.com TV Episodes, Schedule, & Video

Sometimes fragments and germs of ideas are bounced around in several different ways before they truly come together.  When they do finally come together, it can be downright magical.  It all started with the simple notion that I am a writer and I love genealogy.  Once those two things became known, a cousin suggested I write about the history of the family business on my Mom’s side of the family.  That idea has been kicking around for a while, I am far from ready to go there for a whole host of reasons, but it was something important, an idea.  By the way, if you are reading this L., I haven’t completely given up on that idea.

Fast forward a couple of years and all of a sudden my parents and siblings are aware of my blog.   Not only are they aware of my writing, they actually think I am a good writer.  No bias there, right?  Here’s the thing:  I think the biggest praise was from my Dad.  He is not the type to give praise for just anything, whether or not you are his child.  The fact that he is even aware of my writing is huge.  But I digress.

So, as my Mom is boosting my ego by telling me my entire nuclear family is at least somewhat impressed by my writing, she completes the idea.  She thinks I should write the history of our family business, the history of Russell Canoe Livery.  I like to think of it as The Story of Us.  The thing is that Russell Canoe Livery is such a family oriented business, and I hope it always will be, that it will be impossible to write about the livery without writing extensively about the history of my Dad’s family, as well as our own.  The entire idea gets at the very heart of our family, the reason I decided to study business in the first place, and even who I am as a person.  I want to make this clear:  I can’t imagine my family not owning the canoe livery.  I can’t imagine growing up not working for my parents.  It will always be very near and dear to my heart.

Aside from all of that, it is a compelling story.  It is a story of entrepreneurship.  It is the story of a mother and son working together to keep a business running under less than ideal circumstances.  It is the story of two baby-boomers raising a family of three kids.  It is also the story of the love between grandparents and grandkids.  It is also the story of an extremely small town that likes to keep to itself.  It is also the story of friendly competition and a changing society.

I have to do this.  If nothing else I have to do this for my nephew and any future nieces and nephews.  They all deserve to know the story.

Oh, and not to get political, but:  Yes, my family did build this.  We did it DESPITE government actions.

By the way, if you’ve never had the pleasure of watching America The Story of Us on The History Channel, it is wonderful, even if long.  It is a unique look at what makes the US what we are today.

Crazy Lazy Sundays

I’ve long had a love/hate relationship with Sundays.  Mine are normally laid back and spent with family and friends.  Unfortunately, by Sunday evening, I realize just how short weekends truly are.  Most of my family lives 30 miles north of Bay City.  A typical Sunday spent north means lunch with one Grandma and then an extended visit with the other.  If I’m lucky my parents are actually home and I make the effort to try and see them as well.  As I work full-time, Saturday is usually my only fully day exclusively to myself – if I decide to go visit family on Sundays.

The sad thing is that it never fails:  Every Sunday it is the same dilemma, do I go visit family or not?  Once I go, I never regret it.  Let’s be realistic, I won’t have my grandmothers forever.  I love spending time with both of them and truly enjoy their company.  I also know that they appreciate the time I spend with them.

Here’s the problem.  When I don’t go, I get an additional day to do exactly what I want to do.  All is well until later in the day when the guilt sets in.  I know I shouldn’t, but I do feel guilty if I don’t visit every weekend.  I know just how much my grandmothers appreciate it.  While my parents, who live nearby, try to visit often too, they are frequently out of town.  Most of my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. either live quite a distance away or simply don’t visit very often.  I am grateful for the relationships I have with my grandmothers, I just wish there was an easier answer.

Copyright 2008-2012 Mark Blehm

More On Life, Love, and Loss


Image via Wikipedia

Exquisite and Excruciating | The Anchoress

Posts like this are why I keep reading The Anchoress.  She is absolutely correct, and we forget it all too often today:  Nothing worth doing is easy.  Relationships aren’t easy.  Creating and raising a family isn’t easy.  Marriage and family life aren’t easy.

For whatever reason, I really needed to read this now.  The post speaks for itself.

Restyled Junk


Image by kiki follettosa via Flickr

Restyled Junk | the junking trashformation journey
About Me | Restyled Junk | the junking trashformation journey

I just came across this newer blog a few days ago.  I love it!  I like the style of the crafts and the entire idea of repurposing items that many people might have just thrown away.  The projects do not seem to be too difficult either.  The end projects appear well worth the effort.  Check it out!

Bloggers You Need to Read

Plaza Mayor, Salamanca (Spain) HDR 2 – Deghost...

Silly Mom Thoughts

Lindsay Maddox’s Silly Mom Thoughts is a very unique look at a young family with four kids five and under.  Just wait until you see videos of one year-old twins Wy and Z!  The entire family is too cute.  What really sets Lindsay apart is her humor.  I can’t imagine having to answer questions when her kids read her blog as teenagers!

Lindsay is working hard on her professional writing career.  I wish her the best of luck!  She certainly has her hands full, and I have no idea how she manages to find time to write.  She’s one determined chick.

Rissa Writes

I have no idea why I didn’t discover Rissa’s blog earlier.  I love reading her Facebook updates, so imagine how I felt when I finally got around to reading her blog.  One of my favorite posts is here.  It really got to me.  I don’t know many people who can include music videos from David Bowie and the movie “Hello, Dolly!” (Barbara Streisand as Dolly) in virtually back to back posts (not to mention pertaining to nearly the same topic).  I admire her for her depth and her honesty.  Oh yeah; she makes me laugh too!

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.  By the way, the picture is complete randomness.  It is a picture of the Plaza Mayor in Salamanca, Spain.  I love Spain; I miss Spain.  The photo simply brought back wonderful memories of a wonderful time in my life.  Oh, and it is my blog…  Things don’t always have to make perfect sense.