Tag Archive | Arts

An Interview With Mid-Michigan’s Own Bob Hughes

Copyright Bob Hughes 2009-2012

Bob, I thank you for taking the time for this interview today.  I greatly appreciate it.  I’m going to start off by giving people a little background.  You and I go way back.  I honestly do not remember a time when I did not know you.  For the record, as a teenager, Bob worked for Russell Canoe Livery during the summer.  While I spent my childhood summers swimming in the Rifle River near the Russell Canoe Livery dock, Bob spent his time hauling canoes.  Due to a bit of nostalgia on my part, and mutual Facebook friends, Bob and I reconnected via Facebook.  It’s been a fun trip down memory lane.  The canoe livery was a huge part of my childhood.

While I knew Bob worked as a local musician, I really didn’t know any of the particulars until we became Facebook friends.  The more I learned about his career, as a musician and otherwise, the more I wanted to know.  He appears to be one busy man!

Thank you, for taking the time to put this together.  I definitely go back, and like you say, can’t remember a time when I didn’t come around at least once in a while to say “Hi” to everyone and make sure you and your family were all doing well.  It was always a good feeling, that’s for sure, to see you guys.

Bob, I want to start at the beginning.  When and how did your passion for music and radio begin?  When did you first begin performing?

Honestly, for as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed music and been fascinated by radio as a medium.   I can remember my brother and I lip syncing and playing air guitar as little kids.  I did the high school band thing and played drums, tuba, trumpet, baritone and bass guitar, probably due to an A.D.D. thing, but it was a solid footing for learning the basic workings of music.  From that, I played with a couple of garage bands in high school and had fun doing it.  We played some small shows, so I guess that when I really began performing in front of people.  I also started working with some friends developing basic DJ skills and knowledge.  However, I didn’t realize at the time that I was missing some key components of a musical education which led to a period of 15 years of really doing nothing with music or in radio as I made my way through corporate America.  It wasn’t until after I became disenchanted with a career outside of music that I realized how much I actually missed the world of music.

How did you land your first gig?  Would you mind telling us a little about it?

Yeah, that’s kind of a funny little story that involves a little background info.  Around 2000 – 2001, I saw a guy playing guitar and singing at a party and I thought to myself, “Gosh, he’s not very good.  I could be that bad and have fun doing that.”, and I also saw a dude from Northern Michigan, Pete Kehoe, who was playing at Bay Harbor.  Pete was, and still is, AWESOME.  And, my goal changed…I told myself, I wanna do what that guy does.  So, I got a hold of Pete and asked him what gear he had and I went out and bought as much of the same stuff as I could find.  I then started practicing in the basement and, after I lost my job in 2003, my living room.  Very popular with the wife!  When we moved back to Michigan in 2004, I was continuing to practice and got a chance to play at a “Relay for Life” event in Tawas or Oscoda, I can’t remember.  From there, I literally started playing at a restaurant/bar about a mile from my house for dinner, and things got better from there.  Pretty soon, I was playing anywhere from 3 to 5 nights per week.

Speaking of your musical career, I noticed on your website that you state a second solo album is in the works.  Is that still the case?  What led to your first album?

Time is the biggest thief and he’s got a great disguise.  I do have a second album in the works.  It’s difficult to work on, due to the time I spend in the studio on everyone else’s PAYING work.  It’s coming along, though…just at a slower pace than I’d ever like.  I have 6 songs in preproduction stage.  I’m mostly trying to figure out how produced I’d like it to sound, or how much instrumentation I’d like to put on the tracks.  I want to do as much as I can on this by myself.  I think my first album…I like that we say “album”, we’re old….was a necessity for my head, just to see if I could do it.  I had some great help from fellow songwriters, musicians and an incredible producer in Allen Bondar, from Dharma Records in Grayling.  He offered me the opportunity to work with him and I jumped at it.

Bob, you currently play with a reunited THE POOL BOYS.  I was wondering if you could tell us a little history of the band, past and present.

Well, The Pool Boys are kind of one of those love-hate bands.  I love what we do, but I hate what it does to me!  We have WAY too much fun and it’s a lot of strain on my body and voice.  Anyway, Sal Agnello, a talented musician from Tawas was playing with an outfit and had caught my acoustic act.  Him and I sat down and started fiddling around with some acoustic stuff.  He then suggested that we try some “sequenced” tracks, which are pre-produced tracks that lack vocals and, in our case, guitars.  So, basically, we’re playing along with a computer directed keyboard producing all of the drums, horns, pianos, bass, etc., whatever we wanted.  The practice has been around since the mid to late 80’s, but a lot of musicians kind of shy away from it.  However, it’s really cool, because the songs you can play are only limited by your imagination and ability.

So, right out of the gate we got the house gig at the old Holiday Inn in East Tawas, and had that for a couple of years.  Then, did the casino circuit for a bit and due to my throat problems and extra children, we had to take a hiatus for a bit… which was good, because Sal really perfected the sequencing of the tracks.  Last year, we started talking about the market for sequencing and we picked up a drummer, which really adds to the sound, and viola….The Pool Boys are back running around, again.  We’re focusing more on resorts, casinos, private parties and festivals, for purely selfish reasons!

As a musician, what are your favorite bands and artists?  Which is your favorite genre?

Oh, man…mostly people I don’t play!  Um, Led Zeppelin’s always been huge for me, the Doors, Pearl Jam, Bob Seger, almost anything from the 80’s, because it was when music was fun.  But, from a creation stand point, I look to The Thorns or Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.  The great harmonizers!  As far as my favorite genre, folk based rock.

Copyright 2009-2012 Bob Hughes

Let’s switch gears for a second.  I know that you also host a local radio morning show called “The Drive By” on Mix 92.1 | Caro, MI.  What led to your radio/announcing career?  I also read that you announce for the local minor league baseball team, The Great Lakes Loons.  How did that come about?  As both an avid fan of radio and baseball, I find it all fascinating.

Going back to always being interested in radio and music, I worked as a mobile DJ from the time I was 14 until the time I was 23, which kept my interest and built some skills.  Also, I got an opportunity to work in radio right out of high school, when I was way too young to handle it and realized there was NO money in it, and I was fine with that, back then.  So, I went on my merry way.  Fast forward to 2010, when my wife and I bought a house in the Caro area, I saw a radio station on the way home from the closing and stopped to see if they needed someone, well TA-DA, I had a job in radio.  Some personnel changes were made to move me into a morning show co-hosting slot and that’s where I find myself today.  With the Great Lakes Loons, I responded to an open tryout and got the job as their on-field host.  I’m really pretty fortunate, I have very fun jobs and both Mix 92.1 and the Loons are great organizations with great people.

Ok.  It is time to discuss the inevitable.  There is a local well-known radio personality on WHNN-FM that happens to share your name.  What confusion has that created over the years?  I know you had fun with the situation when you were younger.

Really?  No kidding?  I hadn’t heard of this fellow….Yeah, Bob is a great guy and we have a lot of fun together, especially with the name thing.  We only live like 7 miles apart, which again is interesting.  It’s a two way street for the confusion, though.  He gets questions about his name being on a marquee for a performance and I get people trying to tell me they’ve listening to me for years.  I’m not sure if there is any other radio market in America that has this problem.  I know when I first worked in radio in the area, the station had me use a different name.  This time around, I was like, who cares.

And, yes, there were times in the past when Bob’s name was thrown around a bit liberally for shameless acts that shalln’t be mentioned!  Good times.

In addition to performing on-air and off, you also own Bob Hughes Studios.  How did you first become involved in voice-over work?  What made you decide you to go into business for yourself on the production side of things?  What projects do you have coming up?

Once again, back to my disenchantment with corporate life, I had an opportunity to get back into media productions in 2004.  I started working with some outdoor television producers, including Mike Avery, which led to videography, video editing, commercial production and lending my voice to show intros and spots.  So, I found myself buying a bunch of gear and figured I better make some money to support the purchases and Bob Hughes Studios was born.  I work mostly online with a couple of ad houses and contract sites, and it keeps me pretty busy.  One thing I have found is that with my name on the door, I definitely care more about what leaves the editing bay.  I take great pride in having won industry awards for quality and creation, having my voice on 6 of 7 continents, as well as watching my business grow over the past 8 years.

Developing projects are kind of hard to nail down.  Currently in the hopper are a couple of product videos for the web, a steady stream of eBooks and other voice over projects.  I don’t like getting too far out in the calendar, though because it slows down turnaround time for customers and I like getting them their products as quickly as possible.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a creative career and go into business for his or her self?

Find your passion and do it early in life!  Don’t be afraid to ask for help and take the chance while you have nothing to lose.  Get the education for the creative career you are interested in and be aggressive in your pursuit!

The one regret I have is not pursuing music creation more aggressively when I was 20 or 21.  I didn’t know I had a gift and I never took the time to really look into myself and find out what was in there.  But, had I just listened to my heart and looked to others to help me find this out, who knows what could have happened, good or bad.

Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions!  It was fun catching up.  I know you are a vet of Operation Desert Storm.  I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your service to our country.

Well, thank you for thanking me.  I’m glad I was able to serve, because so many are not able.  It’s always great chatting with you, that’s for sure.  Thank you for considering me an interesting topic!  I hope your readers find something interesting, as well!

Copyright 2009-2012 Bob Hughes

You can find more information on Bob Hughes and all his endeavors as the links below.

Welcome to BOB HUGHES STUDIOS! – Performances



Mix 92.1 | Caro, MI

The Middlest Sister

Copyright 2012 The Middlest Sister

The Middlest Sister | There are 5 sisters. She’s the middlest

About | The Middlest Sister

Table of Contents | The Middlest Sister

I can’t seem to get enough of The Middlest Sister | There are 5 sisters. She’s the middlest.  I came across the weekly blog comic thanks to fellow blogger Childhood Relived.  All of the comic frames are handmade and I haven’t come across anything else quite like it.

If you are interested at all, I urge you to take a few minutes to take a look at the About and Table of Contents pages, along with the latest comic A Valentine for Ewe | The Middlest Sister.  Personally, I love the idea of being the middle sister out of five, just like my Mom.  I can only imagine how much fun it is to have so many sisters!

Please note that the image above is Copyright 2012 The Middlest Sister.  No copyright infringement is intended.  I simply wanted to show a sample of what readers will find at The Middlest Sister | There are 5 sisters. She’s the middlest.

On The Air

I’ve long loved radio and decided to put all my favorites in one place.  I’m not sure when I first loved listening to the radio, but as a child, I remember listening with headphones late into the night, long after I was supposed to be asleep.  I also made plenty of mix tapes.  That doesn’t even mention one of my favorite childhood pastimes, creating radio stations, original jingles included, using a Fischer Price tape recorder.  Today, I can’t stand to be in a car without the radio on.  Enjoy.

Michigan State University Student Radio

Impact 89FM
The Fix

My senior year at MSU I decided to get involved with the major student radio station on campus.  It is something I did purely for my personal enjoyment.  I love music, and playing music, that much.  Everyone involved with Impact 89FM starts out on their online training station The Fix.  After learning the basics, you are left alone to spin music for a few hours by yourself.  You can’t imagine how much fun I had in the studio!  My only regret is that I didn’t get involved as a freshman.

Mid-Michigan Favorites

94.5 The Moose
98 KCQ
102.5 WIOG


WCMU / CMU Public Radio

The radio stations I always associate with my childhood are WHNN-FM and 102.5 WIOG.  Throughout my later elementary school years, I rode to school with my Mom, who taught 6th grade at the time.  She listed to WHNN-FM every morning to catch Johnny Burke’s morning show.  Thanks to that station, I know the music of the 50s, 60s, and 70s pretty well – and appreciate it.  I still listen to Johnny Burke every morning on my way to work.  WHNN-FM covers a huge chunk of Michigan.

While WHNN-FM catered to my parents’ generation, 102.5 WIOG is still home to current pop.  It was the radio station as a teenager.  Like WHNN-FM, 102.5 WIOG has a huge reach.  Unless you liked country as a teenager, you listened to 102.5 WIOG.  Back in the 90s, mainstream alternative and SKA ruled the air waves.

94.5 The Moose and 98 KCQ are the two big country stations in Mid-Michigan.  Growing up, I hated country music.  Now, there is a lot of it I love.  In my opinion, pop isn’t nearly as relevant as it once was.  Country is now the genre featuring the best artists and innovation.  I grew up a fan of Michael Jackson, Madonna, Motown, and the Beatles.  Today I love Toby Keith, Blake Sheldon, Miranda Lambert, and even the Dixie Chicks.  Go figure.

News, Talk, The Tigers

Fox News Radio


Driving anywhere with my Grandma during the summer months meant the Detroit Tigers on WSGW – NEWSRADIO 790 and Ernie Harwell.  Any radio broadcast of the Tigers will remind me always and forever of my Grandma.

Back in the day FM TALK 100.5 AND SPORTS! actually turned into a pirate radio station for a while.  I love the concept of anything to do with pirates.  Before that, it happened to be an alternative to 102.5 WIOG.

Austin, Texas

KOOP :: Community Radio for Austin, TX – KOOP Hornsby-Austin

Where do I even begin with KOOP?  It is the reason why I love Austin so much to this day.  Somehow I consented to go on a blind date with a man who happened to be very involved with KOOP.  At the time, he hosted the show ATX Live.  He is still involved with KOOP after serving as president of the co-op for several years.  Today he serves as the Tech Team Area Coordinator for KOOP.

At the time, his involvement with KOOP led to us spending plenty of time together checking out local bands, artists, and even festivals.  Andy even introduced me to one of my best friends in Austin, his former manager Cheryl.  Of course, they originally meet through KOOP.  I can’t begin to imagine Austin without the music.

It was directly as a result of Andy’s involvement in KOOP that I decided to go back to MSU and get involved with the Impact 89FM, even if only for one semester.

You can read more about my experiences in Austin below:

Ten Long Years … | Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde


WCMU / CMU Public Radio
NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR
Fresh Air from WHYY : NPR
Arts & Life : NPR

Below is an article discussing a recent interview on NPR.  It is the perfect example of why I tune in.

Meryl Streep: The Fresh Air Interview : NPR


Pandora Radio – Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music
The Beatles

Undoubtedly the internet is saving the radio from obscurity.  I love the fact that in many cases fans can now go to the website of their favorite band and/or artist and listen in.  In particular, I love The Beatles website for this.  Not only do they play everything in the Beatles’ catalog, they play John, Paul, George, and Ringo’s solo work as well.  What is there not to like?

In My LIfe …

December 1980 | Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

If these videos do not inspire you on some level, I don’t think anything will.  Simply amazing.  I do not want to imagine a world with the music of the Beatles.

“After All, It’s Only A Diary …”

Unfortunately, it is true that diaries are full of crap.  Click here to discover the full movie quote.  Click here to discover one of my favorite movie scenes of all time.  Bridget Jones’ Diary is one of my favorite movies of all time for too many reasons to mention here.  As if I hadn’t been head over heels for Mark Darcy before, Colin Firth as Mark Darcy became my favorite leading man in this scene.  What straight woman could resist a man who can kiss like that?  Sigh.  Not me, that’s for sure.

English: Actor Colin Firth - 66th Venice Inter...

Image via Wikipedia

My Life In Pop Culture

English: (left) and (right) talking on the SS ...

Image via Wikipedia

My Life In Pop Culture | Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

Andy Warhol | Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

Laura Ingalls Wilder | Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

Somehow a simple idea I’ve had forever expanded into an interesting new feature on my blog.  As you can see above, I’m making use of the page feature here at WordPress.  I recently wrote about how much I love writing about memories I associated with songs on the now defunct JamsBio.  I thought I’d resurrect the tradition on my blog.  Before I even started it suddenly hit me.  Why should I limit myself to music?  There are plenty of books, movies, and TV shows I love too.  They inspire me just as much as music.  The happy result is the new feature My Life In Pop Culture.  Enjoy.  I’m even going to include a few artists that inspire me.

Little Girl Rediscovered

Little Girls: Then and When « Once A Little Girl

Once A Little Girl will soon become a memoir.  I can’t wait to read it.  I do believe in fate at times.  Somehow it was no accident I stumbled across Once A Little Girl.  I plan to watch closely as the transition from blog to book takes place.

This situation may in fact eventually address a few of the issues I’ve had as of late.  What is left online?  What gets put in the book?  If you eventually want to use a story in a memoir or novel, why put it out there online for free?  So many questions!  I need to take a serious reassessment of my goals, dreams, and ambitions concerning writing.  Maybe that little first grader who loved to write and draw is still in there somewhere.  We need to get acquainted once again.

This is my actual 1st grade school picture. 1987 - Sterling Elementary School

Of Ally McBeal And Soundtracks

David E. Kelley

Image via Wikipedia

As a teenager, I loved watching Ally McBeal with my Mom.  We’d usually watch the show together in my parents’ bedroom as she got things together for the next school day.  One of my favorite concepts from the TV show is the idea of a life soundtrack.  If you happened to watch the show you remember that the music of Vonda Shepherd and Barry White were incorporated into most episodes.  The shows usually began and/or ended with Vonda Shepherd singing at a piano.  Despite the fact I can no longer remember many, if any, of the plots of the individual episodes, the very idea of a life soundtrack has stayed with me.

What songs would I play on the own soundtrack to my life is a question that continues to intrigue me.  In fact, I briefly wrote for a now defunct website called JamsBio.  The idea was to write articles/posts centering on a particular song or even a band/artist.  It was the easiest money I ever made.  I loved every minute of it.  Unfortunately, my work resided entirely on the website.  I might just have to revive the tradition and make it a feature of my blog.  I loved writing about the various memories I associate with certain songs and/or artist(s).


Genre-Bending Writing

A conversation with Jim Ament, author of ‘Waiting for Zoë’ | James Russell Ament

I’m Genre-less

I’ve come across a couple of discussions regarding genre recently by thoughtful writers I admire.  My question is this:  Why do writers feel as though they have to fit into one mold or anything?  I could ask the same question of any art or artist.  Why?  That is all I want to know.

Books I’ve read lately don’t seem to fit neatly into one genre or another.  That is exactly how I like it.  I don’t like to be pigeon-holed in any area of my life.  Again, why do we do this to ourselves?  I understand marketing, branding, author platforms, etc., but is this really necessary?

English: The main reading romm of Graz Univers...

Image via Wikipedia

Writing Resources

on writing

Image by Vivianna_love via Flickr

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: When Life Gets in the Way of Writing

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Collecting New Experiences

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Friday Speak Out!: Reading to Write, Guest Post by Jamie Patterson

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: The Power of Freewriting

WOW! Women On Writing Issue 47: Carving Out Your Writing Niche

How to Turn Your Hobby Into a Writing Niche

There is so much great material on WOW! Women On Writing Blog and WOW! Women On Writing Issue 47, I just had to share.  I would love to carve out my own writing niche.  In fact, I’ve wanted to start a blog focusing on study abroad and what I term study travel for years.  I need to simply start.  I have a lot of advice and experience to offer and the topic endlessly fascinates me.  What am I waiting for again?

WOW! Women On Writing Blog

WOW! Women On Writing Issue 47: Carving Out Your Writing Niche