Tag Archive | Arts

The Story Of Us

America The Story of Us — History.com TV Episodes, Schedule, & Video

Sometimes fragments and germs of ideas are bounced around in several different ways before they truly come together.  When they do finally come together, it can be downright magical.  It all started with the simple notion that I am a writer and I love genealogy.  Once those two things became known, a cousin suggested I write about the history of the family business on my Mom’s side of the family.  That idea has been kicking around for a while, I am far from ready to go there for a whole host of reasons, but it was something important, an idea.  By the way, if you are reading this L., I haven’t completely given up on that idea.

Fast forward a couple of years and all of a sudden my parents and siblings are aware of my blog.   Not only are they aware of my writing, they actually think I am a good writer.  No bias there, right?  Here’s the thing:  I think the biggest praise was from my Dad.  He is not the type to give praise for just anything, whether or not you are his child.  The fact that he is even aware of my writing is huge.  But I digress.

So, as my Mom is boosting my ego by telling me my entire nuclear family is at least somewhat impressed by my writing, she completes the idea.  She thinks I should write the history of our family business, the history of Russell Canoe Livery.  I like to think of it as The Story of Us.  The thing is that Russell Canoe Livery is such a family oriented business, and I hope it always will be, that it will be impossible to write about the livery without writing extensively about the history of my Dad’s family, as well as our own.  The entire idea gets at the very heart of our family, the reason I decided to study business in the first place, and even who I am as a person.  I want to make this clear:  I can’t imagine my family not owning the canoe livery.  I can’t imagine growing up not working for my parents.  It will always be very near and dear to my heart.

Aside from all of that, it is a compelling story.  It is a story of entrepreneurship.  It is the story of a mother and son working together to keep a business running under less than ideal circumstances.  It is the story of two baby-boomers raising a family of three kids.  It is also the story of the love between grandparents and grandkids.  It is also the story of an extremely small town that likes to keep to itself.  It is also the story of friendly competition and a changing society.

I have to do this.  If nothing else I have to do this for my nephew and any future nieces and nephews.  They all deserve to know the story.

Oh, and not to get political, but:  Yes, my family did build this.  We did it DESPITE government actions.

By the way, if you’ve never had the pleasure of watching America The Story of Us on The History Channel, it is wonderful, even if long.  It is a unique look at what makes the US what we are today.

Happy Sunday ~


Happy Sunday everyone!

I’m just glad that the rain quit here for a while.  Lots of great posts coming up today.  I know I’ve featured this particular Beatles video here several times, but still gives me goosebumps.  It just seems to foreshadow the music and videos I grew up with in the mid-1990s, mainstream “alternative” rock ~ i.e. Oasis, Green Day, the White Stripes, and many more.


Of Flappers And Side Ponies ~

I’ve been quiet this week.  As usual, life rudely intrudes.  Below is the promised side-pony picture promised Jules @ Go Guilty Pleasures!  Yes, it is true.  For a two-year period in the mid-1980s, my little sister and I took tap and ballet lessons.  This picture is my favorite of all of our recital uniforms.

Happy June!

English: Bay City, looking East from Veterans ...

English: Bay City, looking East from Veterans Memorial Park. Bay City, Michigan at dusk. Bay City, Michigan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ahhh…  June.  It’s finally here.  Summer and all it brings is finally here.  In Bay City it means festival after festival after festival, and all they entail.  It starts with the River Roar and St. Stan’s Festival in June, continues with the Fireworks Festival in July, and continues with the Pig Gig in August.  September brings River of Time and leads into Hell’s Half Mile Film Festival and Haunted Temple in October.  Oh, and I didn’t even mention the throngs of campers heading north on I-75 each and every weekend now through Labor Day.  Let the craziness begin.

Scroll the events and you’ll see what I mean.  There is literally something every week.

Calendar of Events – Great Lakes Bay Region

2012 June Events in Downtown Bay City

Hell’s Half Mile Film and Music Festival

If Only …

Ok.  All this time I’ve spent wrapped up in the pop rock music of the last sixty years got me thinking.  If I had an ounce of musical talent, which doesn’t even seem to matter much anymore, who would I want to emulate as a rock star?  Well, here you have it.  I’d want to sound and look like some combination of the women below, minus the drugs and excessive alcohol.  These three are a few of my favorites.

Yet Another Sunday

I won’t be around until this evening.  I’m hoping to then finally get caught up on the April 2012 A to Z Blogging Challenge.  The posts centered around the Beatles themselves, along with those who were closest to them, are the most difficult to write and put together.  There is just so much to say.

I ended up getting sucked into watching the Wingspan documentary on YouTube last night, all 1 hour, 45 minutes of it.  I left with a much greater appreciation of what Paul and Linda McCartney did with Wings, and I was already a fan.  More on that later.  Happy Sunday everyone.  I’ll leave you with one of the most beautiful voices ever in pop music.

I is for In My Life

I’ve been looking forward to mentioning In My Life.  It is one of my favorite songs, and I consider it one of the most beautiful songs ever written.  Below I’ve also included videos of I’m Looking Through You and If I Fell for the heck of it.

In My Life

The Beatles

Rubber Soul (1965)

There are places I remember

All my life, though some have changed

Some forever not for better

Some have gone and some remain


All these places had their moments

With lovers and friends, I still can recall

Some are dead and some are living

In my life I’ve loved them all


But of all these friends and lovers

There is no one compares with you

And these memories lose their meaning

When I think of love as something new


Though I know I’ll never lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I’ll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more


Though I know I’ll never lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I’ll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more, in my life I love you more

Beatles, The – Rubber Soul Album Lyrics
1. Drive my car Lyrics
2. Girl Lyrics
3. If i needed someone to love Lyrics
4. I’m looking through you Lyrics
5. In my life Lyrics
6. Michelle Lyrics
7. Norwegian wood Lyrics
8. Nowhere man Lyrics
9. Run for your life Lyrics
10. The word Lyrics
11. Think for yourself Lyrics
12. Wait Lyrics
13. What goes on Lyrics
14. You won’t see me Lyrics

Beatles, The Lyrics provided by SongLyrics.com

D is for Drive My Car/Don’t Let Me Down

Rubber Soul

Rubber Soul (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Drive My Car is one of my favorite Beatles songs, as if I could choose.  Seriously though, how can anyone be in a bad mood after playing Drive My Car at full blast on their way home after a bad day at work?  I’ve been known to do it.  One of the many great songs off of Rubber Soul, it is only found on the UK release of the album.  The US version of the album had a very different track listing.  Actually the song leads off both Rubber Soul and the album Yesterday and Today.  Below is a video containing the 2009 remastered version of Drive My Car.  I’m also including Don’t Let Me Down.  I love the song and think it highly underrated.

C is for Can’t Buy Me Love

Can’t Buy Me Love may not be my favorite Beatles song, but it is an important one.  The entire soundtrack – and movie – A Hard Day’s Night is classic.  The video below is just a fun, tiny taste of an entire movie of great music, fun antics, and classic comedy.

Can’t Buy Me Love


John Lennon/Paul McCartney

Can’t buy me love, love

Can’t buy me love

I’ll buy you a diamond ring my friend
If it makes you feel all right
I’ll get you anything my friend
If it makes you feel all right
‘Cause I don’t care too much for money
For money can’t buy me love

I’ll give you all I’ve got to give
If you say you love me too
I may not have a lot to give
But what I’ve got I’ll give to you
I don’t care too much for money
For money can’t buy me love

Can’t buy me love
Everybody tells me so
Can’t buy me love
No no no, no

Say you don’t need no diamond rings
And I’ll be satisfied
Tell me that you want the kind of things
That money just can’t buy
I don’t care too much for money
Money can’t buy me love

Can’t buy me love
Everybody tells me so
Can’t buy me love
No no no, no

Say you don’t need no diamond rings
And I’ll be satisfied
Tell me that you want the kind of things
That money just can’t buy
I don’t care too much for money
Money can’t buy me love

Can’t buy me love, love
Can’t buy me love, oh


The Beatles – A Hard Day’s Night Album Lyrics
1. You Can’t Do That** Lyrics
2. A Hard Day’s Night Lyrics
3. And I Love Her Lyrics
4. Any Time At All Lyrics
5. Can’t Buy Me Love Lyrics
6. I Should Have Known Better Lyrics
7. I’ll Be Back Lyrics
8. I’ll Cry Instead Lyrics
9. I’m Happy Just To Dance With You Lyrics
10. If I Fell Lyrics
11. Tell Me Why Lyrics
12. Things We Said Today Lyrics
13. When I Get Home Lyrics

The Beatles Lyrics provided by SongLyrics.com

Can’t Buy Me Love is also a classic 1980s teen movie, using the original Lennon/McCartney song.  I have to admit, as a very young child, I was a fan.  Check out 80s tech in the trailer below.

Back To Basics: Reading And Writing

I’ve been spending some time rethinking my reading and writing goals.  I still haven’t picked up a book as of late, and I really need to get going.  There are so many wonderful books out there.  My problem is that I’ve currently concentrated on my blog.  It’s paid off too.  After all these years of writing for myself, I am finally beginning to create an audience, which I enjoy and is wonderful.  It is just the beginning.  Somehow I have to get organized and find balance between reading and writing, between planning and execution.  I know I can do this.  I’m just frustrated that everything is taking so much longer than I’d like.

Below are some great writing – and reading – posts I’ve been meaning to discuss.

Why It’s Important To Take Your Reader Into Account | The Collaborative Writer

Knowing You’re A Writer From An Early Age | The Collaborative Writer

I love the Collaborative Writer.  As you can see from the titles above, she tackles subjects other writers don’t want to discuss or subjects that may seem obvious at first.  I particularly liked her discussion of the trials and tribulations of Knowing You’re A Writer From An Early Age.  I think most writers can relate at some level.

Writer Unboxed » The Long Distance Landscape of a Writing Career

Writer Unboxed » (A Writer’s) Age Is Just A Number

Both of the posts above from Writer Unboxed inspire me.  I take a very long-term view of what I want to accomplish with my writing, blogging or otherwise.  I’m glad I’m not the only one.  I’m just getting warmed up.  The same goes for reading.

Speaking of which… below is a series of posts discussing the importance of reading purposely to inform your writing.  This is precisely why I began keeping lists of books I want to read and books I already read, as well as where I got the book – own versus library.  This series takes it to a whole new level.  I’ve read this advice other places as well.  I’m going to have to carefully consider it.  I’m not doing enough to record my thoughts on what I read.  Wonderful stuff if you are serious about reading and writing.

Life is Short. Read with Purpose. « DIY MFA

3 Steps to Reading With Purpose « DIY MFA

Prompt: Make a Reading Plan « DIY MFA


Reading 2012 | Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

E-Book Challenge 2012 (December 2011 – Present) | Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde

Reading List (July 2009 – Present) | Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde