
Body and Other Four Letter Words

There are many reasons why I haven’t blogged in well over a year, but today I’m going to address one of the main reasons. One of the main reasons I decided to blog in the first place was simply to address issues most important to me, and with the issues of body image and infertility, I’ve failed to do just that. How do you address something that affects every single aspect of your life? How do you address something so overwhelming that no one, not even those who love you the most, wants to hear it? The thing is that the longer I let these thoughts fester, let these words go unsaid, the longer I wonder if there is something I could’ve done for girls and women dealing with the same issues.

As a child, I can precisely pinpoint the moment when I was told my body wasn’t good enough; it was the day I entered kindergarten. Prior to kindergarten, no one called me fat or felt the need to constantly remind me just how short I was. Sure, I was a “stocky” kid, but I was also active. I played outside constantly with my little sister, cousins, etc. I never felt self-conscious in a bathing suit; I was having too much fun swimming. I never felt the need to compare myself to anyone else. Did I envy my older cousins? Of course I did! I looked up to all four of them (all female), but even as a small child I knew that to compare myself to someone so much older simply didn’t make sense.

Everything changed in kindergarten. In gym, I was always picked last for teams. When we had to line up by height (again, in gym), I was inevitably last or next to last. Sadly, I was compared to a little girl who was much larger than me. I just remember the anger and outrage of such an unjust comparison, and yet, I felt empathy for the other girl. Was that really how other kids saw me? As time wore on, kids started making rhymes about my body. 25 years later, and I still remember it all: “Short, fat, and squatty; got no face, got no body.”

In some ways things got better in junior high. I went from being bullied to being mostly ignored. As others paired off and experimented, I just threw myself into my school work and books. Sports were never much of an option for me, and unfortunately, sports at the junior high/high school I attended were the key to popularity, especially if you were a girl. I wasted my time on crushes who couldn’t be bothered to even talk to me, much less date me. Once my little sister joined me at the same school, I was bombarded with comments such as: “I can’t believe you two are sisters! Your sister is so pretty and popular!” The implication, of course, being that I was the exact opposite: ugly and unpopular.

As an adolescent, I would’ve given anything to look like my Mom and sister, both of whom I considered relatively thin (though they would both fight me on that one), beautiful, and popular. At the time, I wanted blonde hair and blue eyes if it meant acceptance. I remember driving with my Mom in her new red Grand Prix as a young teenager. GM had completely redesigned the Grand Prix, and my Mom had one of the first redesigned models in the area. My Mom had lost a lot of weight, and frankly, looked great. Every time I went somewhere with my Mom, it seemed as though we would get stares, mainly from men. I couldn’t help but wish I was the one making heads turn, not my Mom. Despite all of the disparaging remarks my Mom would make about her own weight, I never saw her as anything but beautiful.

Adolescence is hard, but it is even harder if you are short and fat. At the time, I thought I was huge, and that there was no chance I’d ever lose the weight. Today, I’d love to weigh what I did in high school. In college, I proved myself wrong and lost a lot of weight due to walking Michigan State’s campus and walking all over Spain during my semester there. What I wasn’t prepared for was how I would be treated differently. People were interested in me, in my life – even a few men.

After college, after moving to Houston, Texas for my first “real” job, things changed. I took all of the stress of that job, the joy of being in a relationship, and the loneliness I felt before Brian joined me in Houston, and I did what I do best: I used it as a license to eat. The desk job didn’t help either. Not only did I gain back all of the weight I lost, I kept gaining more too. It got to the point that my Dad and Grandma were shocked when I returned to Michigan. They couldn’t even hide it as I’d gained that much weight.

Today I’m at a point in my life where I’d love to lose the weight again. I’m single, and frankly, happier than I’ve been in a very long time. The thing is that I’d be kidding myself if I didn’t admit that I’m scared: I’m scared of all of the attention I’d receive if I did lose the weight. The experience of having lived through that once left me angry. Am I really that much more of an interesting person if I am relatively thin? As I thought through all of that, I realized that losing weight would only be temporary (again) if I didn’t deal with my own body issues. I’m left wondering how I am supposed to do that when everything in our society states, quite bluntly, that my body, even at its best, will never be good enough on account of my height alone.

If there is anything I want girls and women to take from this, it is this:
We should not feel we have to be a certain weight to feel loved and accepted for who we are, society be damned.
Never let anyone tell you differently.

We as a society need to come to accept the simple fact that people come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Words hurt much more than most people realize.

Is this what we want for girls?

Is this what we want for girls?

Through all of this over-thinking of body image as of late, I came to realize that I’ve never truly even liked my body, and much of the reason stems from infertility. The first thing I ever remember wanting out of life was to be a mom. At no point in my life did I ever not want a family of my own. Unfortunately, biologically, it just isn’t going to happen. Fortunately, I came to terms with the fact adoption is a wonderful alternative a long time ago. And yet, I’ve never quite forgiven my body for so fundamentally betraying me.

If I resemble anyone on either side of my family, it would be my Great-Grandma Suszko, my Dad’s maternal grandmother. At nineteen, I was working with my Grandma (her daughter) when she opened a package from a niece containing her parents’ wedding photo, newly redone. My Grandma kept staring at the photo and then back at me. It was clear she thought I looked like her Mom, although the fact that I was the same age as the girl in the photograph probably helped. As someone deeply interested in family history, I have a copy of Great-Grandma Suszko’s naturalization papers. Her physical description could fit me perfectly, with one exception: she was two inches taller than I am. My Great-Grandma Suszko had ten children, all but one of whom lived well into their 70s. Add in the fact that my Mom has four sisters, and I came up with one conclusion: My body should be built to bear children. It just isn’t.

What people who don’t have infertility fail to realize is that dealing with it is an on-going process, not a one-time deal. Just when you feel you are fine with it, accepted it fully, and have moved on, something happens that forces you to deal with it all over again. For me, one of the hardest things to deal with was the day I realized that I fully met the medical definition of infertile (I’ll spare you the details). There just wasn’t anyone I could share that deep sense of loss with at the time, even my boyfriend. I’ve talked a lot about my experiences with body image, but it just wasn’t complete without discussing infertility as well. There was a time in my life that dealing with infertility was so painful that I downplayed my desire for a family of my own. I downplayed it to the point that my own sister never realized that I wanted children. It saddens me that those I love most can never fully understand due to the simple fact that they are parents.

What Losing 100 Lbs. Taught Me About How We Treat Overweight People

14 Things Every Fat Girl Absolutely Needs to Hear

Daughter of Body Image Advocate Slams Brand for Her ‘Drastically Altered’ Modeling Photos

Spring 2014 - Holding my niece Ellloyse.

Spring 2014 – Holding my niece Ellloyse.

Happy Times - 2002

Happy Times – 2002

Happy July!

Garrett and Sunny playing fetch at the Russell Canoe Livery dock.

Garrett and Sunny playing fetch at the Russell Canoe Livery dock.


Once again I find myself trying to get back into blogging.  Last month I’d hoped to write daily about my roots.  It just didn’t work.  Don’t be surprised if I do finally get around to exploring every nook and cranny of that topic in the near future.  Working at my parents’ canoe livery, Russell Canoes, this summer, organizing old family photos and memorabilia, and living in my Dad’s childhood home have all conspired to bring back wonderful childhood memories.  Did I mention that I love working at the canoe livery?  We truly do have the best customers and employees, past and present.

Here are a few vintage Russell Canoe Livery pictures I recently shared on our Facebook page.  I took the pictures above the other day.  I love getting to work with my little brother!  We had fun playing fetch with our parents’ gold retriever Sunny as we waited to take out canoers and tubers.  Happy July!

Grandpa Owen summer 1973.  Love this pic!  It shows our main location in Omer prior to any store.

Grandpa Owen summer 1973. Love this pic! It shows our main location in Omer prior to any store.

Company tubing trip circa 1985.  My Dad is the driver's seat.  Loved his old truck!

Company tubing trip circa 1985. My Dad is in the driver’s seat. Loved his old truck!  Also includes a couple of our first buses – Buses B and D.  Grandpa Owen back by the tailgate.

Another view of the tubing crew.  My Mom is in the passenger seat.  Circa 1985.
Another view of the tubing crew. My Mom is in the passenger seat. Circa 1985.



BlogHer Challenge 2013: Roots

BlogHer Challenge | The Black Tortoise

Last night as I was thinking about how I want to revive and update this blog, I realized just how much I miss my blogger friends.  One of the nicest is Adela from The Black Tortoise and Once A Little Girl.  As it just so happens, I read her new post today about the BlogHer Challenge.  Now I am signing up myself.  I’m disappointed that I didn’t participate in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge after having so much fun with it last year.

So, here it goes.  Watch for a new post every day this June.  The theme is perfect for me and my blog:  Roots.  So check out Adela’s first entry – BlogHer Challenge | The Black Tortoise – which is very sweet, as always, and stay tuned for mine!

BlogHer NaBloPoMo June 2013


Room With A View 1 Over the last seven months, I’ve thought a lot about the meaning of home.  November 2, 2012, at nearly age 32, I moved back to my hometown to take care of my Grandma.  After a very rough winter and spring, she now resides in a local skilled nursing facility.  Fortunately she now appears to be healthy and at least content.  We are fortunate she is still with us.  Even though I visit her nearly every day, I miss her.  I think of all of our outings to her favorite restaurants, all of her little quirks, not to mention all of the fun we had when I was a kid.  Then add in the fact that I am currently living in her home.  I am reminded daily of French toast and bacon breakfasts, mouthwatering ice creams sundaes with fresh berries, and countless family gatherings, whether Easter, hunting season, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.  She’s always been an important part of my life and the lives of everyone in my immediate family.  It’s difficult to watch her world constrict, watch her lose interest is things she used to love, watch her slowly forget.  No, this year has not been an easy one thus far. So many little things surprised me when I first moved back to Omer.  After managing a convenience store in another small Michigan town, I came to realize just how friendly people can be in my hometown.  They may not be more sophisticated, articulate, or educated, but they are much friendlier.  Working in a convenience store built by my Grandpa brought about mixed emotions.  I wish he was here.  Things you never thought would change change, and yet so many things remain the same. Growing up, all the boys into skateboarding congregated in the large parking lot behind the convenience store.  Well, during an unusually warm January day, I had to smile as I stepped out back to see a group of skater boys trying to impress one another.  Same story, different kids.  I saw more former childhood classmates while working at the convenience store than I’ve seen in the last 14 years.  Since when did we become adults?  Now we are discussing who moved back to town and who moved away, marriage and kids, not scheming and dreaming to be anywhere but here. In mid-May I quit my part-time job at the convenience to work for my parents at Russell Canoe Livery for the summer.  My brother and I eventually plan to purchase the business from our parents.  Already there are so many names I recognize from my childhood, customers who have been with us for over 25 years. Yet, so many things have changed.  I miss my grandparents being there day-in, day-out.  We no longer run out of canoes on prime weekends, we rent more tubes.  You no longer need an adapter to get into our electricity.  Somehow I missed that one.  I love the business and hope we can expand for years to come. All of the little things I mentioned above mean “home” to me.  For better or worse, I do belong here, and I intend to make the most of it.  Now for the hard part:  I have to somehow make this all work.  Somewhere along the way I lost sight of what is possible.  I need to regain the drive and vision I had in college.  I need to once again ignore all those who say “I can’t.” Room With A View 2

Book Review: “The Return Of Catesby” By Bob O’Connor

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It isn’t every day that I come across a book that inspires me on several levels.  The Return Of Catesby by Bob O’Connor did just that.  The rest of my review will explain how and why.  If you enjoy historical fiction, I can’t recommend The Return Of Catesby enough.

Over the last few days I’ve spent some time thinking about how The Return Of Catesby inspired me.  First, I have to admit the style in which the book is written is one of my favorites.  I love journals and believe this technique is particularly suited for this type of historical fiction.  As a reader, I am always looking for my next book.  After learning a little about Bob O’Connor’s work, I knew I wanted to read more.  The Return Of Catesby serves well as a sequel to Catesby:  Eyewitness To Civil War, as well as a stand-alone read.  While I don’t feel the need to read Catesby:  Eyewitness To Civil War to fully appreciate The Return Of Catesby, I am now compelled to read the first book due to Catesby’s experiences discussed in the sequel.  All other content aside, the topic, genre, and organization of the book would’ve been enough to draw me in.  But there is so much more.  I simply don’t remember the last time I read a work of historical fiction with such heart.

Why The Return Of Catesby inspires me is an easy question to answer.  There is, of course, the character of Catesby himself, a fictionalized version of a real blacksmith who lived during the Civil War era.  In the book, he comes across as the most authentic, inspiring teacher imaginable, despite having never stepped foot in a classroom prior to his first day of teaching.  His wife, Marcia, truly comes into her own at the end of the book and is Catesby’s constant helpmate in every sense of the word.  Perhaps most inspiring of all is the insatiable appetite for learning exhibited by some of Catesby’s students.  They simply couldn’t get enough, despite the fact that the town of Harpers Ferry wasn’t exactly welcoming.  I envy the community created around the school.  They truly cared for one another and even sought to learn the history of the tension between the community of Harpers Ferry and the school.

Harper's Ferry, West Virginia

Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia

The Return Of Catesby by Bob O’Connor will stay with me for some time.  I am honored to have hosted an interview with him and to have had the opportunity to review the book today.  If you have any interest in historical fiction at all, I highly recommend The Return Of Catesby.  Do not be surprised if I review more of Bob O’Connor’s work in the future.

Antietam National Batllefield

Antietam National Batllefield

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Author Interview: Bob O’Connor, Author Of “The Return Of Catesby”

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Today we learn a little more about Bob O’Connor, author of The Return of Catesby, in this author interview. Bob is currently on tour with Walker Author Tours. Enjoy, and pick up your copy of the book at

How did you get started on your writing career?

My writing career officially started in 7th grade when an article I wrote got published in the Illinois Historical Society’s student magazine.

If you could describe yourself in five words, what would they be? Focused, determined, believable, creative, imaginative.

Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction to read? To write?

I read both. I write both. But I prefer to write historical fiction because I can be much more creative.

How do you build your character world?

I keep a notebook. I observe people in the grocery store, in church, etc, and try to pick up interesting behaviors I can incorporate into a character.

Tell us about your favorite character you have written and why.

Catesby is by far my favorite character and is the subject of two of my books. He is a fighter, having overcome so many troubles to find freedom. I admire his courage and “stick-to-it” spirit, his observations and his “never give up” attitude.

Do you think that the future is ebook or print?

Obviously the trend is e-books. But the industry encourages us “little guys” to give away our e-books in hope that people will buy or next one. I am not convinced that is a good idea. I actually think people who give away thousands of e-books will find that the person reading them will seek someone else’s free e-book the next day. It is also discouraging that although we (authors) make 70 percent on e-book sales, the price of e-books keeps going downward. I hope they never figure out how authors can autograph e-books. I am a HUGE fan of books that are printed and hope they never go away.

Where have you had the most success in selling your work?

It is always easier to sell books when I have given a talk. But I am also successful anywhere there are large crowds of people including at fairs, festivals, Civil War reenactments and the like.

Tell us about your book.

My book is the continuing story of Catesby – a real colored blacksmith who lived originally in Charlestown, VA as a slave to Colonel Lewis Washington, a descendant of George Washington.  In the first book Catesby struggles to find his freedom. He runs away from the operation of a blacksmith shop under a cruel owner who permanently cripples him. He flees on the Underground Railroad to Pennsylvania.

This book follows Catesby’s new adventures leading up to his teaching position at Storer College, a new school to teach newly freed blacks to become teachers. Ironically, the students’ first day in the classroom was Catesby’s first day too, because he had been taught at home by his mother. Catesby’s vast experience is helpful in encouraging his students and helping them believe that if Catesby, a man with a bad leg who had been a slave could accomplish greatness, they could too.

Where can we find out more about you and buy your book? On my website at

Interested readers may purchase the book here.

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An Update …

No, I have not fallen off the face of the Earth.  No, I have not given up blogging.  Early in February my Grandma was admitted to the critical care unit of the local hospital.  To be blunt, for a while it did not look good at all.  Fortunately she is doing much better and was transferred to the skilled nursing area of the hospital.  Watching everything unfold with my Grandma has only reconfirmed my belief that my Grandma is quite possibly the strongest woman I know – and one of the most giving.  I’m sharing this because I’ve been dividing my time between work and the hospital, as well as spending time with family, running errands, and gearing up for the camping/canoeing season.

I miss writing, I miss blogging, and I just need to do it.  Unfortunately I tend to over-think anything I write here.  That needs to change.  There is much going on in my life that I would like to share here.  Moving back to my hometown after living elsewhere for well over a decade continues to amuse me.  Each day I am more grateful than the last for the wonderful childhood I had.  Much more soon.


Spin The Plate On Tour With Walker Author Tours: An Interview With Donna Anastasi


Today we have an author interview with Donna Anastasi, author of Spin the Plate, who is currently on tour with Walker Author Tours. Enjoy, and don’t forget to pick up your copy of Spin the Plate!

What are your habits when you sit down to create? Do you have to be in a certain room? outside? Music playing? The inspiration part happens when I’m driving or walking and my mind is relaxed and wandering. The ideas happen at random moments so I’ve always carried a small notebook. More recently I’ve been using the notebook or recorder feature on my iphone. The writing part happens when I’m alone and things are quiet. Any place will do. I usually write an hour at a time between other obligations. But when I’m just starting to pull it together or getting near the end, I’ll go away by myself and hole up for a day or weekend for concentrated writing.


Where do you find inspiration for your books? The inspiration for me for fiction work finds me and demands to be written. For non-fiction it is more a intellectual decision to write about something that I’m an expert on that doesn’t have good or detailed enough coverage.

Do movies inspire you and if so, which ones? Yes! I am a movie-aholic. I had one job where I took a bus into Boston everyday and watched 3-4 movies a week. I love movies that are a bit off beat, have characters with great chemistry that aren’t perfect but that you bond with anyways, are intelligent or clever, and teach or remind you of important truths that perhaps help you be a bit of a better person. Just a few of my recently watched favorites are Les Mis, About a Boy, I Am, Catfish, Death to Smoochy. Primal Fear is my most watched movie. Silver Lining Playbook is my newest favorite. I also loved 50-50.

I write reviews and make listmania lists on Amazon of films and books that I like. If you share my tastes you can check these out here:



Have you ever had a moment that you felt like quitting writing? Why? No, because I don’t do it professionally which gives me the luxury to pick it up and put it down as I want. I do have different feelings toward my novel at different times and these feelings run the full gamut.


Do you think that the future is ebook or print? ebook. Books are going to go the way of the newspaper. That makes me sad. Nothing like the smell and feel of a “real” book in your hands.

Tell us about your book.

This book is not your usual bodice-ripper romance where an unnaturally gorgeous heroine meets a buff, alpha-male for hot nasty sex.

Not even close.

Jo is a survivor of a bleak and abusive childhood. She channels her pain and rage into weight training and roams the city streets at night as a powerful vigilante. While she is more than capable of defending herself against physical danger, she is defenseless against the memories of the past that torment her.

Francis is a mysterious man she meets on the subway train. He doesn’t have a regular job and is still living at home. But he is gentle, likeable, friendly, intelligent, sensitive, respectful, generous, patient, and understanding. Just what a brave, but damaged soul like Jo needs.

In this story, the average-guy hero battles to win the battered heart of the wary, edgy, less-than-perfect heroine.

“Spin the Plate is a fast-paced, edgy, darkly comic tale of resilience, romance, and redemption that breaks over you in waves. All you can do is gasp, stay afloat, and enjoy the ride.”
— Holly Robinson, author of The Wishing Hill and Sleeping Tigers


Where can we find out more about you and buy your book?

The novel is offered as a free ebook from Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes, and is a 99 cent kindle ebook. It is available in paperback from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Make sure to get the January 2013 (full length novel) version titled “Spin the Plate: A Novel.” More information about me and the book can be found at





Why I Write: Every Life Has A Story

Let’s start at the very beginning: Why Write At All? « The Collaborative Writer

As of late I’ve come across some great material that got me thinking about why I write in the first place.  The article above from The Collaborative Writer gets it exactly right.  I admit it:  I am my own worst enemy.  I tend to over-think everything and spend too much time planning what I’d like to do when I really should be writing.  I.  Just.  Need.  To.  Write.  Why is that so difficult in practice?

The thing is that I truly believe everyone has a story.  No one has a perfect life.  Everyone is struggling with something and conflict is the heart of any great story.  Not only does that simple premise – everyone has a story – get to the heart of why I write, it is also the reason why I love to read.  I am drawn to biographies and autobiographies or any good plot driven by realistic conflicts dealt with by well-rounded characters.

Again, I keep going back to asking myself why it has to be so hard.  I love to create.  I know what I like to write.  I always feel more myself when I write.  Why don’t I write more?  I think we all need to ditch the excuses.

The video included below I came across as part of training for my position as a clerk.  I love the message of the video.  It is all too easy to forget that everyone is struggling with something.


G and Sunny

While I normally don’t share a lot of personal pictures here, I just had to share this one.  The golden retriever is my brother’s dog Sunny, who happens to be one of the sweetest dogs I’ve ever known.  In fact, I’m not sure whose dog she actually is.  While originally she was supposed to be my brother’s dog, he was 14 when she came into our lives.  My parents quickly laid claim to her too.  She follows my Mom everywhere.  When my brother went off to college, Sunny stayed home.

I spent the last week sitting Sunny while my parents took a trip to the Caribbean.  I miss her already.  Again, I just adore this picture, which includes two of my favorites:  my little brother G and Miss Sunny.  I meant to take a picture of her on one of our walks in the woods behind my Grandma’s house, but forgot my camera.