
Paul McCartney: History

I’ve been promising a series of posts focusing on Paul McCartney for some time now.  I suppose I’ll start with the obvious question:  Why am I such a huge fan?  It is all about creativity.  I don’t think anyone or anything has inspired me as much as the Beatles, Paul McCartney in particular.  As I have no musical talent whatsoever, and have no desire to pursue music, you may ask how that is possible.  It is all in the lyrics.  Please tell me how a writer wouldn’t be inspired by the man who largely wrote the lyrics below.  I dare you.  Supposedly Paul McCartney wrote this for his one-time fiancée Jane Asher.  The song, of course, is only one of hundreds, with the Beatles, Wings, and solo.

I’m Looking Through YouRubber Soul (1966) – Lennon/McCartney

I’m looking through you
Where did you go?
I thought I knew you
What did I know?

You don’t look different
But you have changed
I’m looking through you
You’re not the same

Your lips are moving
I cannot hear
Your voice is soothing
But the words aren’t clear

You don’t sound different
I’ve learned the game
I’m looking through you
You’re not the same

Why, tell me why
Did you not treat me right?
Love has a nasty habit
Of disappearing overnight

You’re thinking of me
The same old way
You were above me
But not today

The only difference
Is you’re down there
I’m looking through you
And you’re nowhere

Why, tell me why
Did you not treat me right?
Love has a nasty habit
Of disappearing overnight

I’m looking through you
Where did you go?
I thought I knew you
What did I know?

You don’t look different
But you have changed
I’m looking through you
You’re not the same

Yeah, oh, baby you’ve changed
Aah, I’m a-looking through you
Yeah, I’m looking through you
You’ve changed, you’ve changed
You’ve changed, you’ve changed

Below is the video if you are in the mood for some vintage Beatles or just a great song.

Now that you know where my interest in Paul McCartney’s work comes from, it is time to learn how it all began well over 50 years ago.  It is well-known that John Lennon met Paul McCartney at the Wooten Village fete in July of 1957.  What many might not know is what actually got Paul into the band.  It was a nearly perfect performance of “Twenty Flight Rock” by Eddie Cochran.  He knew all of the words.

The rest, of course, is history.  Since the entire history of the Beatles is well-covered ground, and I had my fair share of fun dredging it all up again this past April, I won’t go there.  What happened to Paul McCartney after the Beatles is almost as interesting as anything that came before.

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, whatever possessed Paul’s wife Linda to agree to be in a band with her famous husband, I’ll never know.  I’m just glad she did.  Wings weren’t the Beatles, but that seems to be the point.  It just started out as Paul, Linda, their kids, and their dogs.  I’ve included the first few parts of Wingspan.  It is fascinating.  The videos speak for themselves.  For those who don’t know, the interviewer for Wingspan is Paul and Linda’s oldest daughter Mary.

More than anything I admire Paul McCartney’s, and the Beatles’, dogged determination to get it right. They weren’t content to leave things as they were; they continued to innovate. Many people don’t know this, but Paul McCartney has also tried his hand at classical music (quite successfully), pursued abstract painting, and worked to save his and George’s school from demolition. It is now the Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts, or LIPA.  Oh, and he isn’t done…  yet.

Paul McCartney performs in Dublin, Ireland on ...

Paul McCartney performs in Dublin, Ireland on July 10, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Photography By Jake Suszko

I’m fortunate to have talented members of my extended family.  Below is a series of photos taken by my cousin Jake Suszko, an air force ROTC student at Bowling Green University.  Enjoy!  Thank you Jake for allowing me to share your photography with my readers.  All photos Copyright Jacob Suszko 2012.

Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia

Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia

Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia

Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia

Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia

Antietam National Battlefield

Antietam National Battlefield

Virginia State Capitol

Holland, Michigan

Holland, Michigan

Holland, Michigan

Thank you again Jake!

Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green State University (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Me and E. ~ 1987 ~ Ages 3 and 6

Sisterhood.  I used to think it only meant the relationship between a woman and her sister(s).  I’m slowly learning that it comes in many forms.  I’m fortunate to have a wonderful little sister, E., who not only was my first and best friend as a child, but whom now inspires me as an adult.  It isn’t something I think about much, but last weekend, as my sister finally discovered GoodReads and I became inspired to write this post, I realized the depth of the shared experiences E. and I have.  Of course, there is the obvious.  We have the same wonderful parents, we share and adore a little brother, we spent almost our entire childhoods living in the same house, and we attended the same schools, even having some of the same teachers.

But there is so much more.  We both grew up playing and working in the family business, Russell Canoe Livery, having our Dad as boss, as did our little brother.  Our Grandma R. taught us all how to drive and supported us in everything we did.  She and Grandpa were fixtures at E.’s basketball and softball games, as well as the football, soccer, and baseball games of G., our little brother.  They even attended the games of great-nieces and nephews, many of whom E. and I considered our best friends.  E. and I will always carry those lessons of love and support with us, thanks to the concerted efforts of our grandparents and our parents.

At the end of our childhoods, E. and I even decided to attend the same university, Michigan State, despite our planned vastly different career paths.  Due to our age difference, almost exactly three years, and my tendency to study abroad, there was only one semester during which we both lived on campus.  One night my sister had one of those freshman year meltdowns that seem to happen to everyone.

Guess who she called?  Yep, her big sister.  I ended up at her dorm room and we ended up spending a good share of that evening just talking, about everything and anything.  I never realized she wasn’t anything but happy; she didn’t realize I wanted children someday or how deeply my infertility weighed on my mind (and still does).  It was the first time we’d shared so much since we were children.

I love the fact that we now share an alma mater too.  She eventually even met my wonderful brother-in-law at MSU and began serving as a Big Sister with Big Brothers, Big Sisters.  Her little sister, C., who is not so little anymore, is very much a part of our family.  C. and I were both in E.’s wedding party, along with E.’s gaggle of crazy friends.

E., Grandpa B., and Me ~ West Branch, MI ~ Christmas 2004

It wasn’t until fairly recently that I began to experience another type of sisterhood; the type that brings women together around a shared set of circumstances.  On Facebook I belong to a very active group of women and girls with Turner Syndrome.  Some Moms, and even a couple of Dads, of girls with Turners participate as well.  As Turner Syndrome affects only women, we are our own sisterhood.  Not only do we share a few similar physical characteristics, nearly all of us deal with infertility, short stature, growth hormone injections, hormone replacement therapy, and continued misinformation surrounding our specific genetic condition.  Through the group, we have cheered on adoptions, supported those going through invitro fertilization, tried to provide accurate information for parents of girls with Turners, and encouraged each other in countless ways, in spite of sometimes severe medical issues and even untimely deaths.  I can’t think of a better definition of sisterhood.

What gets me is this:  Why can’t women carry this attitude with them every day, no matter what the circumstances?  Instead we put each other down, act superior to other women, and generally make the lives of girls miserable throughout junior high and high school.  Then, after college, after we think we’ve put all that behind us, the pettiness starts all over again.  One of the worst bosses I ever had was a woman – and I’ve heard that from several other women.  As a business woman and a manager, I can only hope I can do better.  I will never understand why we must tear each other down in order to build ourselves up.

“Sisters” ~ Copyright 2011-20012 ~ Natasha Wescoat

You can learn more about Natasha Wescoat’s art here or find it on Facebook here.


But the one thing that you have that nobody else has is you.  Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision.  So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.

The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you’re walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself.  That’s the moment you may be starting to get it right.

Neil Gaiman: Commencement Address, May 2012

The University of the Arts

I came across Neil Gaiman’s inspirational commencement address thanks to WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Graduation Lessons by Cathy C. Hall.  I love it as much as she does.  It is worth taking a minute or two to read, as is the blog post on WOW! Women On Writing Blog.  I read it at the best possible time.

June 10th will mark 13 long years since I graduated from high school, and already eight long years passed since I graduated from Michigan State University.  Unfortunately high school’s been on my mind lately.  I happen to know a few members of the Class of 2012 fairly well.  It is difficult to reconcile my image of them as children with the realization all three will be college freshman this fall.

I’m left wondering what lies ahead.  Proper adulthood hasn’t impressed much to date.  I’m old enough to know better, but young enough for a fresh start.  I still have time.  There is just so much I want to accomplish.  At times I don’t know where to begin.

2000 ~ Tower Guard Induction ~ MSU

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Happy June!

English: Bay City, looking East from Veterans ...

English: Bay City, looking East from Veterans Memorial Park. Bay City, Michigan at dusk. Bay City, Michigan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ahhh…  June.  It’s finally here.  Summer and all it brings is finally here.  In Bay City it means festival after festival after festival, and all they entail.  It starts with the River Roar and St. Stan’s Festival in June, continues with the Fireworks Festival in July, and continues with the Pig Gig in August.  September brings River of Time and leads into Hell’s Half Mile Film Festival and Haunted Temple in October.  Oh, and I didn’t even mention the throngs of campers heading north on I-75 each and every weekend now through Labor Day.  Let the craziness begin.

Scroll the events and you’ll see what I mean.  There is literally something every week.

Calendar of Events – Great Lakes Bay Region

2012 June Events in Downtown Bay City

Hell’s Half Mile Film and Music Festival

Falling In Love All Over Again

It’s been a while since I’ve really written here.  So here it goes.  I want to personally thank all of my wonderful readers out there who stuck with me throughout the April 2012 A to Z Blogging Challenge.  I can’t imagine having any interest in my blog at all throughout April if not a Beatles fan.  It did take over a bit, but the entire experience was well worth it.  It reignited my love for the Beatles.  As reluctant as I am to admit this, their catalog deeply inspires me and probably always will.  By the way, I am not the only one who blogged the Beatles all month long, check out the link below.

A to Z Summary and Reflection « Sundry Sumthins

This spring hasn’t exactly gone as planned.  I was supposed to take a week’s vacation back in April, but that didn’t work out.  Instead I have this week off.  While my week off hasn’t exactly started off on the right foot, I am hoping to finally get back on track blogging.  There is a lot coming up.  The problem is this:  I started organizing and planning much of the new features of Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde, which are still to come and in the planning stages, a few weeks before the blogging challenge started.  Add in work drama in my off-line life and you have a recipe for nothing getting done.  Fortunately I’ve already hit the books again (more on that in a minute – and more posts to come) and hope to get things organized before heading back to work next Monday.

Now on to one of my other favorite topics, books!  Ah….  I was frustrated for a little bit.  My original intent, way back in February or March, was to reread Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen before reading Death Comes To Pemberley by P.D. James, which was a Christmas gift.  By April, I was still very much within the first 100 pages or so of Pride And Prejudice.  There was too much going on and the beginning was just too slow for me at that particular time.  Well, I finally decided to turn my original plan on its head and read Death Comes To Pemberley first.

What a great book!  It had the right pacing to get me back into Pride And Prejudice, which I will soon finish.  Finally.  I’m at the point where I am once again in love with Mr. Darcy.  I now remember why he is my favorite male literary character and why I think Miss Elizabeth Bennet is the luckiest of female literary protagonists despite her crazy Mom and silly sisters.  One of my favorite parts of the novel is when Lizzy finally comes to her senses and realizes she does love Mr. Darcy, but fears it is too late thanks to her thoughtless sister Lydia.  Please keep in mind that in my mind, Colin Firth is and always will be the character of Mr. Darcy, whether in Pride And Prejudice or Bridget Jones’s Diary.  I can’t help it.  If you watch the videos below, you’ll understand why.

Bridget Jones’ Diary/Sunday Morning

It’s been interesting rereading Pride And Prejudice as a proper adult who has actually been in love.  At 17, while I absolutely loved the book, I really didn’t appreciate just how perfect a romance the entire novel is.  I’ve always appreciated the fact that Mr. Darcy told Elizabeth Bennet his true thoughts and feelings, good and bad, in the eye-opening letter he gave her right before leaving Roslings.  That letter took some serious guts.  I love how completely honest they are with each other.  Then I started to think about my relationship with Brian.  That is precisely why our relationship works.  We are completely honest with each other, warts and all, and implicitly trust each other to continue to be so.

Oh, and I couldn’t help myself.  I had to add these Beatle videos.  They date from 1995 and make me want to dig out all three parts of the Anthology.  I can’t imagine what it took for them to put together that entire project without John.  Enjoy.

April 2012 A to Z Blogging Challenge: Beatles Edition ~ Wrap Up

I’ve tried unsuccessfully over the last few evenings to fully summarize my experience with April 2012 Blogging A to Z.  There is that much to say.  For a full understanding of why I chose to write about the Beatles, you really have to go way back.  I have hundreds of memories of Beatles music from my childhood, just a lot of very fun memories.  I even remember when I first became aware of who the Beatles were.  I happened to be riding with my parents in my Mom’s car at age 6 or 7 when a Beatles song came on.  My parents started talking about the Beatles, almost arguing really – my Dad isn’t exactly a fan, and I was lost.  I wanted to take sides, but I had never heard of the Beatles before.  I just did what all kids do.  I asked.

Back then, in the mid-1980s, I don’t think people fully appreciated the Beatles impact on pop culture yet.  I still have no idea how they managed to be so far ahead of everyone else.  Decades ahead of their time, I think at least some of their music sounds as though it firmly belongs in the 1980s, or in some cases, the 1990s.  By the time the Beatles became popular again in the mid-1990s thanks to the Anthology project, I, as a cynical young teenager, relegated them to my early childhood.  I really didn’t think much of them at the time or fully realize just how much of their music impacted everything else that came after it.

By the time I was a freshman at Michigan State 1999-2000, everything changed.  At the time there was a lot going on in the “alternative” music scene and in pop music generally.  For every White Stripes, there seemed to be two Backstreet Boys or a Britney Spears or two.  My freshman year roommate, much to my despair, loved the Backstreet Boys.  Fortunately for me I became friends with a girl who lived across the hall who loved good music as much as I did.  Her little sister joined us in Snyder-Phillips Hall the very next year.  The three of us, occasionally joined by a random friend or two, would spend entirely too much time just wandering around a used music store nearby.  Normally each of us would end up with a new used CD or two.  We’d then go back and share, acting like total goofballs.  Somewhere along the line I realized that my love for the Beatles will never really die.

After my freshman year I made a decision that would eventually shape the rest of my time at Michigan State and my life.  I decided to spend a good chunk of the summer studying in London through MSU’s study abroad program.  It was the first of five study abroad programs I’d complete by the time I graduated in 2004.  London was everything I expected it to be – and more.  Oddly enough I didn’t take the time to visit any of the Beatles related sites in London – not even Abbey Road – or visit Liverpool.  That will have to wait for another day.

As part of the study abroad program I had to create a final research project relating either to art or literature.  The project had to have approval of our Professor before we could even begin.  My original idea was to detail the influence of the Beatles on today’s pop music, particularly modern pop music in the UK.  It pains me to even write the truth because it just shows you how ignorant I was at age 19.  My professor kindly suggested that the subject was way too broad.  Of course it was, I just didn’t know it at the time.  Keep in mind at this time I wasn’t very familiar with the Beatles best works, nor did I know just how innovative they were as most of their innovations are common practice in the early 21st century (think music videos, concept albums, writing original material, etc.).

In the end I decided to compare five different theatrical performances – and nailed the project.  I enjoyed spending time in London’s West End and loved every minute of my study abroad experience.  Still, I never truly forgot my original idea for the project.  I think it might have been in the back of my mind when I decided on a Beatles theme for April 2012 Blogging A to Z.

So, what did I learn from the experience?  Well, I learned a ton about the Beatles.  I’ve always been a fan, particularly of Paul.  Throughout the entire series what struck me most was just how talented they all were – and in the case of Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, still are.  It is so easy to hinge their success on John Lennon/Paul McCartney, but it became so clear to me that you needed the talents of George and Ringo too to truly account for their success.  And speaking of their success, it continues to blow me away.  In my opinion, it is all rightly deserved.

I also learned a lot about Paul and Linda McCartney’s relationship, Wings, their family, and Linda’s photography.  Now I want to learn more and plan a series discussing those topics at a later date.  When it came to John Lennon and his relationship with Yoko Ono, I actually wanted to avoid the subject for the most part.  I’m not a big fan of Yoko Ono even though I don’t think she deserves the popular blame for breaking up the Beatles.  Well, curiosity got the best of me and I happened to check out her entry in Wikipedia.  After watching several interviews, reading the Wiki entry for Yoko, and learning a little about John Lennon’s childhood, I actually feel for her – and for John.  It seems as though they tried to make the best out of some very bad family situations.  Sometimes it is all too easy to place the blame at Yoko Ono’s feet.

Now that April 2012 Blogging A to Z is over, I still find myself wanting to write about the Beatles or at least add a Beatles song to posts.  I love the music, I find the topic endlessly fascinating, and there is always something new to learn.  I will always be a fan.  It’s just sad to think that it’s unlikely another such talent will come along in my lifetime.  I hope everyone enjoyed my posts as much as I enjoyed writing and “researching” them.

Taken from vintage everyday: The Beatles (1964) by Robert Whitaker

X is for Merry XMas (War Is Over)

X is for “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)”, released in 1971 as a single on Apple Records by John & Yoko/Plastic Ono Band with the Harlem Community Choir.  While the song is in theory a protest song about the Vietnam War, it has become a Christmas standard.  After John Lennon’s murder on 8 December 1980, the song was rereleased in the UK.  In recent years the song seems to land very high on any list of favorite Christmas songs.

While the song certainly isn’t directly Beatle-related, I felt I should include a song from John’s post-Beatle work, as I did with Paul McCartney.  The song is beautiful, and I think it is a shame that the Beatles didn’t write any Christmas music together.

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V is for Vintage Everyday

V is for vintage everydayvintage everyday is one of my favorite blogs.  It highlights interesting vintage/historic pictures from various periods throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.  The Beatles feature prominently, as you can see.  Enjoy!

vintage everyday: Beatlemania

vintage everyday: LIFE’s Best Beatles Photos

vintage everyday: The Beatles’ Abbey Road Photo Shoot Outtakes

vintage everyday: The Beatles – First Visit to America, 1964

vintage everyday: The Beatles at Holland – June 1964

vintage everyday: We love you Beatles!

vintage everyday: The Beatles Illuminated: The Discovered Works of Mike Mitchell

vintage everyday: The Beatles (1964) by Robert Whitaker

vintage everyday: Remembering The Beatles

vintage everyday: Beatles fashion

vintage everyday: The Beatles‘ First American Tour, 1964

vintage everyday: John Lennon in Pictures

For even more fun, check this out:

vintage everyday:  Beatles search results

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