Interesting idea… Still loving the whole idea of the slap bracelet pics.

Go Jules Go

I mentioned recently that I was so inundated with your awesomeness that I was planning to install a weekly feature for the rest of the summer.

Much like when I mentioned bringing back slap bracelets in my very first video blog, I am following through on my word.  This time, I expect it’ll be cheapereasier just as great.

Because you’ve done all the heavy lifting. So enough of me. Onto you.

In our inaugural issue, we’re going to once again prove that sexy sells. It’s all about the ladies today!

Editor’s Note: Your favorite blogger (ahem) did an ongoing slap bracelet giveaway this year, but the bracelets feature my old blog name, “GoGuiltyPleasures!”. For a full listing of all Slap Bracelet pictures and posts, please see my Slap Bracelets page.

Cover Story – Rachel from Rachel’s Table!

Rache is totally smart, talented, stunning, and funny, and…

View original post 851 more words

2 thoughts on “

    • You’re welcome Jules! Thank you for writing such a fun blog!

      I’ll send you an e-mail in a minute. I’d love a slap bracelet. 😀


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