Archive | July 29, 2012

Interesting idea… Still loving the whole idea of the slap bracelet pics.

Go Jules Go

I mentioned recently that I was so inundated with your awesomeness that I was planning to install a weekly feature for the rest of the summer.

Much like when I mentioned bringing back slap bracelets in my very first video blog, I am following through on my word.  This time, I expect it’ll be cheapereasier just as great.

Because you’ve done all the heavy lifting. So enough of me. Onto you.

In our inaugural issue, we’re going to once again prove that sexy sells. It’s all about the ladies today!

Editor’s Note: Your favorite blogger (ahem) did an ongoing slap bracelet giveaway this year, but the bracelets feature my old blog name, “GoGuiltyPleasures!”. For a full listing of all Slap Bracelet pictures and posts, please see my Slap Bracelets page.

Cover Story – Rachel from Rachel’s Table!

Rache is totally smart, talented, stunning, and funny, and…

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This one has to go out to my little sister E., whose birthday is also just after Christmas. Poor thing, every year she had to celebrate her birthday before Christmas with her big sister (me – my birthday is Dec. 18). This post is just too funny!

The Middlest Sister

Poor Ashley’s birthday falls just after Christmas. Every birthday, her friends were busy with their families or away on vacation. One year, Mom took pity on her and let her have a birthday party in the summer. Ashley got to invite some friends over to camp in the yard.

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The Spin Doctors 20 Years On

Cover of "Pocket Full of Kryptonite"

Cover of Pocket Full of Kryptonite

There are certain things, certain music, that remind me of very specific events in my life.  The band The Spin Doctors will always remind me of being 13.  They were pretty big back in the early ‘90s and some punk boys I went to school with thought “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong,” one of the better Spin Doctors songs, described me perfectly.  So, yeah – I have to admit that every time I hear that song I have to laugh.

So why am I bringing this up now?  Well, The Spin Doctors will be performing in Bay City later this week at the 20th Annual Labadie Pig Gig.  There is a part of me that would love to see them in concert.  It is hard to believe that Pocket Full Of Kryptonite is over 20 years old.

What songs take you back to being 13?