The Rolling Stones 50 Years On

This past Thursday marked the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones first gig.  There is even talk of a tour.  Pretty sad when there is still no competing with 60s pop/rock.

The photo, of course, is from the infamous Rolling Stones Press Reception in New York 1966.  It was that event that launched Linda McCartney’s career in rock photography.  I can only imagine what it was like to have a front-row seat to rock history.

3 thoughts on “The Rolling Stones 50 Years On

  1. Wow hard to believe they have been around that long.. Many moons ago I saw them in concert and to this day it is one of the best shows I have ever been to..
    Happy Birthday Rolling Stones!!!

    • She took a lot of amazing ones on that trip. They are what started off her career as a photographer.


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