Archive | July 2012

Interesting idea… Still loving the whole idea of the slap bracelet pics.

Go Jules Go

I mentioned recently that I was so inundated with your awesomeness that I was planning to install a weekly feature for the rest of the summer.

Much like when I mentioned bringing back slap bracelets in my very first video blog, I am following through on my word.  This time, I expect it’ll be cheapereasier just as great.

Because you’ve done all the heavy lifting. So enough of me. Onto you.

In our inaugural issue, we’re going to once again prove that sexy sells. It’s all about the ladies today!

Editor’s Note: Your favorite blogger (ahem) did an ongoing slap bracelet giveaway this year, but the bracelets feature my old blog name, “GoGuiltyPleasures!”. For a full listing of all Slap Bracelet pictures and posts, please see my Slap Bracelets page.

Cover Story – Rachel from Rachel’s Table!

Rache is totally smart, talented, stunning, and funny, and…

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This one has to go out to my little sister E., whose birthday is also just after Christmas. Poor thing, every year she had to celebrate her birthday before Christmas with her big sister (me – my birthday is Dec. 18). This post is just too funny!

The Middlest Sister

Poor Ashley’s birthday falls just after Christmas. Every birthday, her friends were busy with their families or away on vacation. One year, Mom took pity on her and let her have a birthday party in the summer. Ashley got to invite some friends over to camp in the yard.

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The Spin Doctors 20 Years On

Cover of "Pocket Full of Kryptonite"

Cover of Pocket Full of Kryptonite

There are certain things, certain music, that remind me of very specific events in my life.  The band The Spin Doctors will always remind me of being 13.  They were pretty big back in the early ‘90s and some punk boys I went to school with thought “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong,” one of the better Spin Doctors songs, described me perfectly.  So, yeah – I have to admit that every time I hear that song I have to laugh.

So why am I bringing this up now?  Well, The Spin Doctors will be performing in Bay City later this week at the 20th Annual Labadie Pig Gig.  There is a part of me that would love to see them in concert.  It is hard to believe that Pocket Full Of Kryptonite is over 20 years old.

What songs take you back to being 13?

‘Who Shot Rock & Roll’

‘Who Shot Rock & Roll’ snaps the photographers –
Who Shot Rock & Roll: A Photographic History, 1955-Present – News – Paul McCartney

I’ll have to watch this documentary sometime.  Below are a couple of videos in which Mary McCartney discusses the work of her late mother, Linda McCartney.  Linda McCartney’s photos of Janis Joplin, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, and of course, her husband Paul (and their family) are among some of my favorites.  Her photos of Janis Joplin are particularly interesting.

Below is an older article I came across discussing the rerelease of McCartney and McCartney II, Paul McCartney’s first solo albums last year.  Ram was rereleased earlier this year.  Ram is the only album credited to Paul and Linda McCartney.  Originally released in 1971, it is the last album recorded by Paul McCartney before the creation of Wings.

McCartney’s reissues cover full spectrum of emotion –

Wings, 1975. L-R: Joe English, Denny Laine, Li...

Wings, 1975. L-R: Joe English, Denny Laine, Linda McCartney, Jimmy McCulloch, and Paul McCartney. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Janis Joplin, Taken By Linda McCartney

Summer Reading/Summer Blogging

English: Photo of Bonnie Jo Campbell

English: Photo of Bonnie Jo Campbell (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As usual, I’m not sure where to begin.  This summer has personally held some nasty surprises for what passes for my life.  Then again, I suppose I have to start somewhere if I am going to achieve anything at all.  I’ll spare everyone the details for now, so I’ll get right to the point.

Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde has unfortunately suffered as a result.  I’m trying to get things back on track.  It just may take a while.  I’ve sorely neglected the feature that inspired so much this year:  My Life In Pop Culture.  I’ve also neglected to do my part for two new blogging award nominations I received as of late.  Blogging awards are a wonderful way to show appreciation to those bloggers nearest and dearest to your heart.  I’m honored to have received them.  Thank you for the nominations!  I’m looking forward to correcting this error on my part as soon as possible.  Also, I’ve been haphazard in sharing some of my favorite bloggers here.  I’m finding it difficult to balance my own blog posts with reblogging wonderful posts from the likes of Childhood Relived.  I somehow have to strike a balance.  I love creating my own content, of course; at the same time, I come across so many wonderful/funny/inspiring posts, I instinctively want to share it with the most wonderful audience of all:  my readers.  When I reblog, I do it out of sheer admiration.  I just want everyone, readers and bloggers alike, to realize that fact.

And then there are books.  I’m not sure if many of you’ve paid attention to my running reading list stuck to the top of my blog, but I’ve had my nose stuck in various books for the last two months.  It can be blamed on learning how to borrow e-books for my Nook Color from the Bay County Library System.  I’m getting a lot of mileage out of my Nook Color.  I love it to the point where I’m seriously considering asking for a Kindle Fire for Christmas and/or my birthday.  I love to compare/contrast.  It isn’t that I favor e-books over hardcovers or well-loved paperbacks – nothing will ever replace the feel and heft of a physical book – I just read that much more with an e-reader.  My next experiment:  Audio books on my laptop and/or Nook Color.  This may sound stupid, but at times I wish I could commute via Metro instead of having to personally drive 40 minutes each way to work every day.  Think of the reading time I could get in if I lived in a large city!  Ah well.

The books I’ve read so far this summer will have a lasting impact on me, my writing, everything.  I love them that much!  Each one deserves its own post and review.  The problem is that I never feel I do a book justice when I review it.  I always seem to leave something important unsaid – and that infuriates me.  Just don’t be surprised if I finally establish a series of book reviews here.

I hope to soon create a flexible schedule/outline for content.  Stay tuned, as always.  I still plan a series on Linda McCartney’s photography, Paul McCartney himself, and more.  That, of course, doesn’t even begin to cover politics.  I also, regrettably, haven’t written a personal post about Turner Syndrome, outlined my thoughts on reproductive rights, and so much more.  I just need to get organized and go for it.  What saddens me is that people are clicking on those links to Turner Syndrome and Reproductive Rights only to find nothing there.

By the way, I’m well on the way to achieving my reading goals for the year.  I’ve read 17 of the 25+ e-books I pledged to read in 2012.  I’ve read a total of 28 books, both traditional and e-books, out of the 60 I hope to read in 2012.  With five months to go, my goals are in sight!  That is a wonderful feeling after coming so close to my goal of 48 in 2011.  Oh, and congrats to Bonnie Jo Campbell, one my favorite Michigan authors and the author of one of my favorite books, Once Upon A RiverOnce Upon A River was selected as a 2012 Michigan Notable Book!  Well deserved.  I discuss Once Upon A River here.

Hyde Park Snobs

Reporter’s Notebook: London curfew silences Springsteen, McCartney duet | Fox News

As an avid McCartney fan, I had to comment on this.  Seriously, who silences Bruce Springsteen AND Paul McCartney at 11 PM on a Saturday night?  I just don’t get it.  They don’t deserve to have concerts then if they are just going to whine and complain.  I suppose they are just content to rattle their jewelry.  It is hard to believe Hyde Park is actually a part of London, the city that spawned Punk.

The Rolling Stones 50 Years On

This past Thursday marked the 50th anniversary of the Rolling Stones first gig.  There is even talk of a tour.  Pretty sad when there is still no competing with 60s pop/rock.

The photo, of course, is from the infamous Rolling Stones Press Reception in New York 1966.  It was that event that launched Linda McCartney’s career in rock photography.  I can only imagine what it was like to have a front-row seat to rock history.