Archive | June 9, 2012

Jules over at Go Guilty Pleasures just wrapped up her efforts to bring back slap bracelets. The post is a doozy. Angie Z. from Childhood Relived takes centers stage as she relives her 1993 senior photo shoot, slap bracelet, choke collar, side tail, and all. How do Jules and Angie keep coming up with this stuff? I’m just glad they do!

Go Jules Go

Well, fashion-forward Chipmunks. The time has come. I’ve given away nearly 200 slap bracelets since December, and your response has made my guilty pleasure heart soar.

I think we’ve done it. We’ve brought them back. A quick Google search of “slap bracelets” proves this. They’re everywhere. (Add “chipmunks” to that search and see what happens!)

Congratulations to you for being so awesome.

Oh and a final tip before we view some FLIPPIN’ FANTASTIC PHOTOS – I’ve noticed my few remaining slap bracelets are suffering from lackluster snappiness. Perhaps it’s the gawd-awful Jersey humidity. Anyhoo, it seems they like being stored rolled up, instead of flat. Here’s a helpful illustration:

And now – onto the final pictures (posted, as always, in the order in which they were received)! If you’d like to see past slap bracelet pictures, or Go Guilty Pleasures slap bracelets across the blogosphere, scurry over to my Slap Bracelets page. And of…

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Of Flappers And Side Ponies ~

I’ve been quiet this week.  As usual, life rudely intrudes.  Below is the promised side-pony picture promised Jules @ Go Guilty Pleasures!  Yes, it is true.  For a two-year period in the mid-1980s, my little sister and I took tap and ballet lessons.  This picture is my favorite of all of our recital uniforms.