My Fab Four

Over the last several months, I’ve finally started to discover a group of bloggers I really love.  The voice, the tone, the humor, along with a healthy dose of admiration keeps me coming back day after day.  If I were to put together a super group of humor bloggers who revel in discussing childhood memories, good and bad, this would be my Fab Four:

Childhood Relived

It all began with Freshly Pressed.  Thanks to Freshly Pressed, Angie Z. of Childhood Relived is responsible for my “discovery” of several of the blogs below.  Childhood Relived serves up a humorous look back at childhood way back in the 1980s.  She covers all the essentials, including 80s fashion, Cabbage Patch Kid dolls, Teddy Ruxpin, ShowBiz Pizza, as well as Poltergeist.  I can’t get enough.  Her humor is wonderful.  If you long for the days of jelly shoes and bracelets, you owe it to yourself to check it out.  Her latest piece is a priceless look at Richard Simmons.  Enjoy!

What the . . . Richard Simmons? « Childhood Relived

Once A Little Girl

Once A Little Girl is the only one of the Fab Four I didn’t come across thanks to Angie Z.  Nope; it was fate instead.  I just happened to be browsing WordPress when I happened across Adela’s Once A Little Girl.  It was love at first sight, but more on that in a minute.  Adela not only grew up in Michigan, she also happens to be the aunt of a childhood classmate.

Now on to why I love Once A Little Girl so much.  First and foremost, Adela’s voice throughout the blog is pitch-perfect.  At times it is easy to forget her pieces are written from the perspective of an adult chronicling her childhood memories.  The voice that comes across in each post is that of a wide-eyed child who happens to have the distance and knowledge to realize just how meaningful childhood memories can be.  It is unique.  I can only hope to do half as well.  Once A Little Girl is sweet, not saccharine.  Do yourself a favor and check out some of her reoccurring features.  I’m honored to have guest-posted.

Once a Little Girl Friends « Once A Little Girl

Little Girls: Then and When « Once A Little Girl

The Middlest Sister | There are 5 sisters. She’s the middlest.

The Middlest Sister is the most unique blog I’ve ever come across.  It is part comic strip, part blog, and all painfully true.  My love of The Middlest Sister led to a few unexpected surprises along the way.  Back in February, as my Mom and I continued work on her series of children’s books, I introduced my Mom to The Middlest Sister.  As the middle sister in a family of five girls, I knew my Mom could relate.  Thanks to the The Middlest Sister, my Mom now has a basic appreciation for blogs, even though she does not yet fully understand the concept of someone working so hard on a project without compensation.

So, what is all the fuss about?  Frankly, there just isn’t anything out there today similar to The Middlest Sister.  Nicole spends each week crafting each new comic strip and/or post.  You have to see for yourself.  On top of the uncanny crafting of each post, the scenario depicted each week will leave an empathetic smile on your face if you have any siblings at all.  The trial and tribulations depicted in each new comic are timeless experiences of childhood.  They ring true whether you are 60 or 6.  The Middlest Sister rightfully gained some recognition recently.  See the link below for more details:

About | The Middlest Sister

All Copyrights belong to The Middlest Sister ~ 2012
Nicole’s interpretation of yours truly. I love it!

Go Guilty Pleasures!

The newest kid on the block in my universe, Jules of Go Guilty Pleasures! shamelessly brings back the side pony (or as my family called it, the side tail) and slap bracelet.  How could I not help but include her here, especially after learning of her affection for chipmunks and enjoying every minute of her feature on Childhood Relived?  Check it out here and/or here.  The entire premise of Go Guilty Pleasures! is something I can support.  Why not indulge in what makes us happy, as long as it is legal and doesn’t hurt anyone?

Honorable Mentions:

Below is a list of blogs I visit regularly and love.  I didn’t include them above simply because they do not focus on childhood antics and/or nostalgia.

My Pajama Days

A great family blog by a fellow Michigander, I love Emily’s candor when discussing her own challenges, as well as experiences as a Mom of a teenager.  She may not know it, but My Pajama Days helped set me in the right direction when I looked to grow Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde earlier in the spring.  I simply began looking into some of the blogging communities featured at the bottom of her blog.  A few seemed a perfect fit and set me on my way.  Emily, thank you.

Becoming Madame

If I am ever an expat living in Spain or South America, one of the first things I’d do is set up a blog chronicling all of my experiences living abroad.  Of course, I’d have to model the blog after Becoming Madame.  If you’ve ever dreamed of living in France, Becoming Madame is a wonderful resource for all things Parisian.

Robin Coyle

Robin Coyle happened to be my biggest cheerleader throughout 2012 A to Z Blogging Challenge: Beatles Edition.  She is as almost as big of fan of the Beatles, Paul McCartney in particular, as I am.  Most importantly, her blog is a fantastic resource for writers.  I will be sharing and commenting on some of her posts in the near future.  If you are a writer or even think that you may one day want to write, you need to check out Robin Coyle.

free penny press

free penny press is probably the blog most similar to Ramblings of a Misguided Blonde in that Lynne features whatever catches her fancy on free penny press.  Her blog is gorgeous, well-done, and always interesting.  Her latest post brings wonderful news:  Her brother is coming home from Afghanistan!  Check it out.  He’s coming home « free penny press

Little Girl Feet

Little Girl Feet (Photo credit: mtsofan)

18 thoughts on “My Fab Four

  1. Aw, shucks, Lindsey! Thank you so much – what a compliment! (And I go seriously over the moon when I find someone else who not only appreciates shamelessness, but also TOTALLY GETS chipmunks!) I should thank Angie, too, for bringing us together! She is the cat’s pajamas, you know, if you were wearing jellies and a side pony and your pajamas were Ninja Turtle-themed.

    I can’t wait to check out some of these other bloggers (not to mention continue to get to know you better!). I just discovered The Middlest Sister (again, thanks to Angie! What can’t she do??) and am so in awe.

    • Jules, I get chipmunks. I have chipmunk cheeks and once had a slightly disturbing conversation with my boyfriend all over which chipette I’d be. The answer is Eleanor 😀 Yep, that is part of the reason we are still together: pointless conversations over 80s cartoons.

      By the way, I may just have to post a kickin’ side pony pic on my blog. There seems to be a picture of me, approx. age 6, in a “flapper” tap recital uniform with 80s side pony and headband.

      By the way, I have to give it up for Angie. I’m not sure if I would’ve come across you or the Middlest Sister without her. My Mom is truly in love with the Middlest Sister.

      By the way, you could so pass for Bridget Jones… and I mean that in the best possible way. You’d be the improved American version, of course. If you look around you’ll see I have a thing for Colin Firth as both Mr. Darcys.


      • Eleanor — Chipettes! How do I let these gems slip out of my memory bank? I can’t remember a Saturday growing up that I didn’t spend with Alvin and the Chipmunks. I loved when they’d come together to do a cover song of a popular ’80s song of the times. It was years before I found out that their voices were recorded normal and then set at an increased tempo. Who knows, maybe Mr. Wizard taught me this.

      • They were one of my favorite cartoons. I had the lunchbox and everything.


      • Lindsey – first the blog-shout out, and now the Bridget Jones compliment! Pretty soon my head’s going to be too big for that Disney chipmunk hat I so badly want.

    • Robin, please do consider yourself the 5th Beatle. There are only three dozen to choose from 😀 Lots of variety and all important.

      By the way, I think you are amazing and your blog is fabulous. I will be starting my next Beatles series shortly. I may do something to coincide with Paul McCartney’s 70th birthday.


      • Since my followers are now screaming, swooning, fainting, and being hauled off by the Bobbies (not boobies) after reading my posts, I am a Beatle. Any idea where I get the haircut?

        All jokes aside, thank you so much. I think you are amazing too.

        So . . . let’s have a tally. Robert Redford is 75, Paul is almost 70, and I still think they are hot. What am I, mold?

        And sigh, George, gone too soon.

      • Hey, I’m 31 and Paul is old enough to be my Grandpa. I just keep thinking about how damn cute he was – and can be.

        By the way, James, his son, who is a few years older than me, just seems off somehow in the looks dept. He is a strange combo of Paul and Linda….


        Now Dhani Harrison. All I have to say is DANG. Like George all over again. Maybe even cuter, if possible?


  2. Thanks, Lindsey! What a super-duper nice shout-out to me! And I’m so very glad I could pass along Jules (GoGuiltyPleasures) and Nicki’s (The Middlest Sister) blogs. They are two extremely talented women and they make me laugh every week.

    Thank you again for your kind words!

    • You are very welcome. I love all of the blogs I mentioned. You, Nicki, and Jules make me laugh every week.

      I mean, come on, not just anyone gets just how truly creepy Poltergeist is or fully understands how truly demented some 80s styles were. 😀


      • It truly was. I watched it on TV at age 10 or so. I used to freak myself out thinking our house was built over Indian burial grounds. Their are actual Chippewa legends about the land NEAR my parents’ house (which is another subject all together). Yeah, it freaked me out. Also, I LOVED TV as a kid. The idea that you could get sucked into the TV fascinated me.


    • Randy!

      I just have to check out your blog more, that’s all. You are the covert mention for the moment 😀

      Thanks for joining the party!


  3. Oh Lindsey! I may need you as a publicist someday; if I ever get my novel or memoir published. You gave me chills and a tear in my eye. I will be checking out some more of your blog favorites, too.

  4. Adela, thank you for the super sweet comment. I hope you DO get your memoir published! I want to hear all the details if you do. You are definitely on to something with your writing – and I love every minute of it.


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