Archive | June 2, 2012

Another Freshly Pressed gem. Considering Seinfeld’s popularity – and end – all took place throughout my high school years, this post made me feel, well, old.

Adorably Caffeinated


I love Seinfeld. I’m not a super fan or obsessive about it (especially since the show ran while I was ages 2-11) but I’m always up for it, because it always makes me laugh. There’s a Seinfeld episode for every random life situation. That’s what’s so great about it. The show ended 15 years ago, but somehow it still resonates with people. Except for one minor thing: most episodes of Seinfeld would be impossible today.

Think about it. Think of all those really great episodes, and all those moments that leave George, Elaine, Kramer and Jerry baffled, where you and I would just pull out a cell phone. Technology has sky-rocketed in the past 20 years, and a lot of their sticky situations could easily be averted with an iPhone. There are countless incidents where they needed to get a hold of one another in a pinch, or look…

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But the one thing that you have that nobody else has is you.  Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision.  So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.

The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you’re walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself.  That’s the moment you may be starting to get it right.

Neil Gaiman: Commencement Address, May 2012

The University of the Arts

I came across Neil Gaiman’s inspirational commencement address thanks to WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Graduation Lessons by Cathy C. Hall.  I love it as much as she does.  It is worth taking a minute or two to read, as is the blog post on WOW! Women On Writing Blog.  I read it at the best possible time.

June 10th will mark 13 long years since I graduated from high school, and already eight long years passed since I graduated from Michigan State University.  Unfortunately high school’s been on my mind lately.  I happen to know a few members of the Class of 2012 fairly well.  It is difficult to reconcile my image of them as children with the realization all three will be college freshman this fall.

I’m left wondering what lies ahead.  Proper adulthood hasn’t impressed much to date.  I’m old enough to know better, but young enough for a fresh start.  I still have time.  There is just so much I want to accomplish.  At times I don’t know where to begin.

2000 ~ Tower Guard Induction ~ MSU

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