How Things Work: My Insatiable Curiosity

LEGO Indiana Jones in 2008

Image by Dunechaser via Flickr

How Stuff Works

How Stuff Works – Blogs

I have to admit that I am a bit of a geek and love learning for the sake of learning.  I recently learned about a website, and companion blogs, that I wish I had access to as a child (see above).  Let’s get real here:  I wish the internet existed in a functional way during my childhood.  It wasn’t until my teenage years that the internet became widely known and used.  I’ve spent most of my late teenage years and early adult years watching the internet grow, expand, and evolve.  I’ve loved every minute of it.  I continue to watch it evolve.  I wonder what will be next.  At the risk of sounding old, kids really don’t understand what they have at their disposal today.

I couldn’t help but think of this when I discovered this website and blogs.  It was a valuable addition to my childhood library.

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